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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Assess Creature (Base)
Dark Schneidr BartleSkeetHG 10208
Balshazaka Hayashi BartleSkeetHG 10208
Asheron's Apprentice BartleSkeetHG 10000
Ondrea Drunkenfell 5226
Linae Drunkenfell 5226
Mando AC4LIFE 1208
Baxbow Aetheria DragonMoon 1000
Three DragonMoon 1000
Gloves DragonMoon 1000
Celtic Frost DragonMoon 1000
Soldier's Money DragonMoon 1000
Puncture DragonMoon 1000
G djdf DragonMoon 1000
Baxy DragonMoon 1000
Waffenstein DragonMoon 1000
Baxbow DragonMoon 1000
Zander Melee DragonMoon 1000
Pair a Dice DragonMoon 1000
Mulio DragonMoon 1000
Jet DragonMoon 1000
Morbid Dreams DragonMoon 1000
Jhgjg DragonMoon 1000
Tinky McTinkface DragonMoon 1000
Jetjd DragonMoon 1000
Ghostface Killah DragonMoon 1000
Bobby Digital DragonMoon 1000
Iscariot DragonMoon 1000
Cooking Wooking DragonMoon 1000
Baxy Tink DragonMoon 1000
Sdfsdfs DragonMoon 1000
Bribble DragonMoon 1000
Wsfgyhj DragonMoon 1000
Briba Tiba DragonMoon 1000
Redman DragonMoon 1000
Two DragonMoon 1000
Go DragonMoon 1000
Brib Snipes DragonMoon 1000
Zander Tink DragonMoon 1000
Multi Rare DragonMoon 1000
Multiverse DragonMoon 1000
Method DragonMoon 1000
Ff DragonMoon 1000
Malevolent DragonMoon 1000
Maximus DragonMoon 1000
Kill Shot DragonMoon 1000
Krusher DragonMoon 1000
Tinkerbelle DragonMoon 1000
Zander Magic DragonMoon 1000
I'm not Mary I swear DragonMoon 1000
Iamnoob DragonMoon 1000
XIII DragonMoon 1000
Holder r DragonMoon 1000
Stronger DragonMoon 1000
Lucky DragonMoon 1000
Goobenstein DragonMoon 1000
Zander Missile DragonMoon 1000
Hands DragonMoon 1000
Golfik's Twohand DragonMoon 1000
Baxy Tinks DragonMoon 1000
Scarey Mary DragonMoon 1000
Baxtwo DragonMoon 1000
Serrano's Bow DragonMoon 1000
Sdfvasraer DragonMoon 1000
Serrano DragonMoon 1000
Baxbow Mule I DragonMoon 1000
Redferws DragonMoon 1000
Tinker Toy DragonMoon 1000
Frame of mind DragonMoon 1000
Legion DragonMoon 1000
Rfsdgt DragonMoon 1000
Wsdesvc DragonMoon 1000
Somebody DragonMoon 1000
Golfik's Bow DragonMoon 1000
Oobenstein DragonMoon 1000
Otherguy DragonMoon 1000
Wsyhuj DragonMoon 1000
Golfik's Money DragonMoon 1000
Golfik DragonMoon 1000
Multi Tinker DragonMoon 1000
Dread DragonMoon 1000
Jtdjt DragonMoon 1000
Fling DragonMoon 1000
Serrano's Shield DragonMoon 1000
Deckard DragonMoon 1000
Zzzz DragonMoon 1000
I tink a thing or two DragonMoon 1000
Golfik's Tinkerer DragonMoon 1000
G Mm DragonMoon 1000
Drissical Fizzle Classic 290
Frostbolt Harvestbud 290
Bucho War Fizzle Classic 290
Bachus Leafcull 290
Boudchou Fizzle Classic 290
Boudchou Classic Dereth 290
Sreenaph Seedsow 283
Alsumia Seedsow 280
Dionysus Seedsow 280
Ahky Coldeve 280
Hecate Seedsow 278
Namtar Shadowsow 275