Ranking: Life Magic (Base)

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Life Magic (Base)
Demonic Tank Daralet 846181
Demonic Healer Daralet 846179
Demonic Strike Daralet 846053
Rend Salvage GDLE 500005
Beer Mule GDLE 500005
Ainz Ooal Gown GDLE 500005
Steel Mule GDLE 500005
Tier Eight Scribe GDLE 500005
Iron Mule GDLE 500005
Chief Bast GDLE 500005
Cosumables GDLE 500005
Rend Weapons GDLE 500005
Armor Mule GDLE 500005
Trophy Mule GDLE 500005
Wand Mule GDLE 500005
Queen of the Mules GDLE 500005
Cantrip Jewelery GDLE 500005
Jjjj FunkyTown 2.0 1.39 Test 500005
Ainz Ooal Gown Geysersong 500005
Night Night Haven 312708
Dark Schneidr BartleSkeetHG 15143
Balshazaka Hayashi BartleSkeetHG 15095
Asheron's Apprentice BartleSkeetHG 10353
Ondrea Drunkenfell 10226
Linae Drunkenfell 10226
John Cena BartleSkeetHG 10150
Tankman ACEmulator 5303
Ubeticantwo ACEmulator 5301
Ubeticanthree ACEmulator 5257
Ubetican five ACEmulator 5245
Ubetican Four ACEmulator 5245
Ubetican Seven ACEmulator 5242
Ubetican Six ACEmulator 5230
Tankman two one ACEmulator 5217
Freebooter Dude ACEmulator 2903
Narko Frostcull 1584
Professor Chaos AC4LIFE 1353
Active Shooter SummersEve 1333
General Disarray AC4LIFE 934
Abracadaver AC4LIFE 866
Mando AC4LIFE 853
Emissary of the Crypt Drunkenfell 726
Maf InfiniteAC 687
Tinker Bot AC4LIFE 585
Whisper Guiding Light 553
Buffy Lost World 536
Master Bloodstone FunkyTown 2.0 530
Mosswart Worshipper GDLE 480
Mosswart Elder GDLE 480
Billy Frozenvalley 468
Ruffian Infinite Frosthaven 460
Teetwo ACEmulator 453
Teeone ACEmulator 453
Kuurg Dragontide 453
Asheron Fizzle Classic (PVP) 431
Fallen Shadow FunkyTown 2.0 430
Portal Bot II WuckFB White 421
Portal Bot VI WuckFB White 421
Portal Bot VI WuckFB 421
Axis Battleaxe Dragontide 413
Wicked Skeleton GDLE 410
Westside Mage Seedsow 408
Tugak Test GDLE 408
Penumbrean Shadow Reefcull 408
Buff Bot AC4LIFE 408
Portal Bot VII WuckFB White 403
Super Noob GDLE 403
Scribbles Reg PhatAC 403
Extreme Shannon Extreme AC 403
Dude PhatAC 403
Dragonmirth Local 403
Ruschk Draktehn GDLE 400
Anothertestter Classic Dereth 391
Ogsgirl Seedsow 390
Znixi Ixarda Infinite Frosthaven 385
Tanya Tucker GDLET 382
Tanya Tucker Reefcull 382
Ja'afar al-Saladin ValHeel 382
A Nasty Necromancer Drunkenfell 381
Amule'a Armor Coldeve 381
A Lite Man Coldeve 381
A Shady Adumbration Drunkenfell 381
Aox-Prime Reefcull 381
Angelmouse Levistras 381
A Sixteen Year Old Girl DoBZ 381
Amule'a Wepz Coldeve 381
Aphaxe Coldeve 381
A Hvy Man Coldeve 381
Asdfthhh GDACE 381
Aphrodite Drunkenfell 381
Animaster Reefcull 381
Ana Maximoff Harvestgain 381
Alpha Male XIV War FrostfACE 381
Alsura Reefcull 381
Alpha Male Reaptide 381
Aces Hightide 381
Anita Heal Levistras 381
Alustriel Thistlecrown 381
A Con Man Coldeve 381
A Conspiracy of Lemurs Reefcull 381