Ranking: Light Weapons (Base)

Server: Leafcull

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Light Weapons (Base)
Baby Bam-Bam Leafcull 429
Shut the Smurf Up Leafcull 429
Jaw Breaker Leafcull 429
Aun Inyourendoe Leafcull 429
Poison Kiss Leafcull 429
Zolaris Leafcull 429
Curtains Leafcull 429
Drudge Overdose Leafcull 429
Bugs Bunny Leafcull 429
Medeath jr Leafcull 429
Sledgeman Leafcull 429
Reg Grundy Leafcull 429
Snake-Eyes Leafcull 429
Khayman Carrpathean Leafcull 429
Turck Leafcull 429
Blacksheeps-staff Leafcull 429
Swiftlook Leafcull 429
Specialized Leafcull 429
Tribes of the Moon Leafcull 429
Blue Mylo Leafcull 427
Marcus the Dark Leafcull 426
Kathryne the great Leafcull 421
Asic Leafcull 416
Spearchuck Leafcull 415
Mori Hoha Leafcull 413
Grumpy D Leafcull 410
Glen the bald Leafcull 401
Hissy Kitty Leafcull 401
Tainted Lonewolf Leafcull 401
Ichi Ban Tejinashi Leafcull 400
Chalkie Leafcull 400
Duelor Leafcull 400
Grogtongue Leafcull 362
Bel Lorado Leafcull 358
Sledge de Fist Leafcull 357
Woebringer Leafcull 350
Tidel I I Leafcull 311
Ravie Leafcull 308
Tarwyn Leafcull 305
Tive I I Leafcull 303
Niro's I I I Leafcull 303
Trie Lc Trie Leafcull 300
Sigourni Leafcull 291
Tiber Leafcull 277
Sorvaun Jade Leafcull 275
Holder of Legends Leafcull 256
Macakegggg Leafcull 247
Kraftklown Leafcull 225
Solar Storm Leafcull 220
Bin Ten Leafcull 197
Grabilia Leafcull 193
Bobbybmule Leafcull 193
Asilva Leafcull 193
Beamur Leafcull 193
Chimez III Leafcull 193
Boogernut Leafcull 193
Crankie Leafcull 193
Aokiji Leafcull 193
Blacksheep Leafcull 193
He who holds Weapons Leafcull 193
Black Spike Leafcull 193
Jawbone Leafcull 193
Goobrall Leafcull 193
Grakemar Leafcull 193
Grakore Leafcull 193
Arm the Hill Leafcull 193
Mariag Leafcull 193
Loogy Howzer Leafcull 193
Kaelah Leafcull 193
Goobernut Leafcull 193
Kadok Leafcull 193
Chuckmgutsup Leafcull 193
Iron Mann Leafcull 193
Chuck M'Gutsup Leafcull 193
Alexandrite Knight Leafcull 193
Bloo Moon Leafcull 193
Gramplie Leafcull 193
Jaquari Leafcull 193
Hoowana Sum Wang Leafcull 193
B E E N I E Leafcull 193
Belgarrion Leafcull 193
Allarah Leafcull 193
Lugien Leafcull 193
Loree Leafcull 193
Lagnafe Leafcull 193
Jungle Souljah Leafcull 193
Fo'Tuk Leafcull 193
Hero-Master Leafcull 193
Buzzard B Breath Leafcull 193
Dichoto'Mule Leafcull 193
Miyako Endou Leafcull 193
Lazulite Knight Leafcull 193
Ixa Leafcull 193
Brenna Leafcull 193
Ben Lee Pratter Leafcull 193
Ankou Leafcull 193
Bobbybb Leafcull 193
Bobbyb Leafcull 193
Boots and Pants Leafcull 193
Hock-a-Lugie Leafcull 193