Ranking: Mana Conversion (Base)

Server: Solclaim

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Mana Conversion (Base)
Alida II Solclaim 333
Resa Solclaim 333
Zivah Solclaim 333
Roogon I Solclaim 333
Backshop Solclaim 333
Roogon VIII Solclaim 331
Rank Void Solclaim 317
Deathspawner Solclaim 305
Smoking Hyssop Solclaim 305
Ball-Dizzle Solclaim 305
Augment Solclaim 305
Voidheart Solclaim 305
Namaxas Solclaim 305
Vinnie Paz Solclaim 305
Fquick Solclaim 305
Zedura Solclaim 305
Gabs' Solclaim 305
Jock Ewing Solclaim 305
Ma'cakebin Solclaim 305
Djinn the Angel of Death Solclaim 305
Nightz III Solclaim 305
Chiya Solclaim 305
Roogon X Solclaim 305
Eva Ewing Solclaim 305
Tisa I I I Solclaim 305
Cristi Solclaim 305
Vlad Tzepesh Solclaim 305
Taebaek Baekjae Solclaim 305
Mag-salvager Solclaim 305
Endar Zael Solclaim 305
Lendora Solclaim 305
Koozl Solclaim 305
Magic Shope Solclaim 305
So Rak of Koryo Solclaim 305
Desert Star Solclaim 305
Mistress Gabby Solclaim 305
Draco Malthoi Solclaim 305
Nelwyn Solclaim 305
Nightz II Solclaim 305
Pelicant Solclaim 305
Peky Solclaim 305
Mmj Solclaim 305
Dark-Maji Solclaim 305
Jock's Shadow Solclaim 305
Roogon XXX Solclaim 305
Sergiu Solclaim 305
Kraal Solclaim 305
Crypto Solclaim 305
Eyedea Solclaim 305
Keeper of Hades Solclaim 305
Diete O o Jock Solclaim 305
Garak the Mystic Solclaim 305
Mystic Gato Solclaim 305
Roogon Xl Solclaim 305
G I M Solclaim 305
Steem Solclaim 305
Cyborg Sausage Solclaim 305
Kesi Solclaim 305
Tarin Mage Solclaim 305
Ranui Solclaim 305
Deathravager Solclaim 305
Hell Chaos Solclaim 305
La Llorona Solclaim 305
A Grain Of Salt Solclaim 305
House M D Solclaim 305
Mr Kimchi Solclaim 305
Waldo al-Og Solclaim 305
Fquicker Solclaim 305
Trial and Error Mage Man Solclaim 305
Amducias Solclaim 305
Namxas Solclaim 305
The Interweb Solclaim 305
Mystic Majesty Solclaim 305
Walker Jo Solclaim 305
Finnigan Flash Solclaim 305
Snowglitter Solclaim 305
Graroar Solclaim 305
Snus Solclaim 305
Mystic's Wizard Solclaim 305
Death the Devoid Solclaim 305
B'M O G U A Solclaim 305
Fish Guy Solclaim 305
Catalin Solclaim 305
Jock's Umbra Solclaim 305
Angry Mage Solclaim 305
Beale Solclaim 305
Darth Excellence Solclaim 304
Lace-X Solclaim 301
Gabino Solclaim 301
Deathreaper Solclaim 298
Monu Ia Solclaim 298
Ashahell Solclaim 297
Cow-Gurl Road Kill Solclaim 297
Mag-nus Solclaim 297
Imowyn Solclaim 293
Bounty-Hunter' Solclaim 293
Namedart Solclaim 292
Bad Fish Solclaim 292
Beale X Solclaim 291
Bugspray Solclaim 291