Ranking: Stamina (Base)

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Stamina (Base)
Trophy Mule GDLE 1000000
Iron Mule GDLE 1000000
Tier Eight Scribe GDLE 1000000
Beer Mule GDLE 1000000
Ainz Ooal Gown GDLE 1000000
Chief Bast GDLE 1000000
Rend Salvage GDLE 1000000
Ainz Ooal Gown Geysersong 1000000
Salvage Buffer GDLE 1000000
Steel Mule GDLE 1000000
Night Night Haven 1000000
Jjjj FunkyTown 2.0 1.39 Test 1000000
Traveling Narcissist FunkyTEST 1000000
Cosumables GDLE 1000000
Mieu GDLE 1000000
Rend Weapons GDLE 1000000
Queen of the Mules GDLE 1000000
Wand Mule GDLE 1000000
Cantrip Jewelery GDLE 1000000
Armor Mule GDLE 1000000
King of the Mules GDLE 1000000
Ubetican Six ACEmulator 220239
Ubetican five ACEmulator 210189
Ubetican Seven ACEmulator 120319
Ubetican Four ACEmulator 120239
Ubeticanthree ACEmulator 120199
Tankman two one ACEmulator 35242
Tankman ACEmulator 19230
Emissary of the Crypt Drunkenfell 11196
Dark Schneidr BartleSkeetHG 10385
Balshazaka Hayashi BartleSkeetHG 10385
Linae Drunkenfell 10195
Ondrea Drunkenfell 10195
Armortink ACEmulator 10189
Ubeticantwo ACEmulator 10099
Freebooter Dude ACEmulator 5190
Maf InfiniteAC 1426
Portal Bot II WuckFB White 986
Portal Bot VI WuckFB 986
Scribbles Reg PhatAC 986
Extreme Shannon Extreme AC 986
Dragonmirth Local 986
Dude PhatAC 986
Portal Bot VI WuckFB White 986
Portal Bot VII WuckFB White 986
Kilandros InfiniteAC 840
Whisper Guiding Light 826
John Cena BartleSkeetHG 800
Asheron's Apprentice BartleSkeetHG 800
Buffy Lost World 796
Ruffian Infinite Frosthaven 786
Streak Stream Reefcull 727
Streak Stream GDLE Test 727
Chet Yubetcha Infinite Frosthaven 696
Roogon Roogon 690
General Disarray AC4LIFE 666
Axis Battleaxe Dragontide 621
Kuurg Dragontide 606
Big Bots Burgers InfiniteLeaftide 603
Startercheck PhatAC 600
Chosentwo PhatAC 600
Asheron WuckFB White 600
Tinker Bot AC4LIFE 596
Shota ACEmulator 596
Westside Mage Seedsow 586
Tugak Test GDLE 586
Narko Frostcull 586
Super Noob GDLE 586
Penumbrean Shadow Reefcull 586
Not an Admin Fizzle Classic 586
Asheron Fizzle Classic (PVP) 586
Anothertestter Classic Dereth 586
Lil Ghostly InfiniteLeaftide 564
My Muhphoqin Mule Named Clem InfiniteLeaftide 560
Penny InfiniteLeaftide 558
The End Infinite Frosthaven 553
Ogsgirl Seedsow 550
Agitated Iron Golem ValHeel 545
Horace Thinker Infinite Frosthaven 541
Bawitdaba'Da'Bang ValHeelTest 540
Bawitdaba'Da'Bang ValHeel 540
Znixi Ixarda Infinite Frosthaven 536
Tearulie Infinite Frosthaven 526
Ailsa Infinite Frosthaven 517
Helios Infinite Frosthaven 517
Firewire Infinite Frosthaven 511
Deity Arokh Infinite Frosthaven 508
Tink About It Infinite Frosthaven 506
Blood Thirsty InfiniteLeaftide 506
Divine Decimation ValHeel 503
Ja'afar al-Saladin ValHeel 499
Luggie Rath 495
El Stupido InfiniteLeaftide 494
Zentil Infinite AC 491
Noone Podtide 490
Nobody Podtide 490
Homicidal White Racist Throwdown 490
Best Podtide 490
Fudly ACnus 489
A B Normal Reefcull 486