Last updated 7 hours ago via Decal Plugin
Titles (37)
Kill Shot Male Aluvian Sorcerer Slayer  
239,454,649 / 250,000,000
Total Experience (XP):
XP for next level:
Character Level 1000
Strength (10) 200
Endurance (100) 290
Coordination (10) 200
Quickness (60) 250
Focus (100) 290
Self (100) 290
Health 341 / 341
Stamina 486 / 486
Mana 486 / 486
Skill Credits Available: 4
Unassigned Experience: 92,534,753,219,632
Kill Shot Male Aluvian Sorcerer Slayer  
239,454,649 / 250,000,000
Total Experience (XP):
XP for next level:
Character Level 1000
Specialized Skills ?
Life Magic 381
Loyalty 236
Magic Defense 319
Melee Defense 386
Salvaging 236
Summoning 429
War Magic 381
Trained Skills ?
Alchemy 163
Arcane Lore 305
Assess Creature 208
Assess Person 208
Cooking 371
Creature Enchantment 353
Deception 208
Item Enchantment 353
Jump 408
Leadership 0
Lockpick 163
Mana Conversion 305
Run 458
Sneak Attack 358
Name Uses
Jack of All Trades 1
Siraluun's Blessing 10
Ciandra's Essence 1
Shadow of the Seventh Mule 2
Might of the Seventh Mule 5
Infused Creature Magic 1
Clutch of the Miser 3
Infused Item Magic 1
Enduring Enchantment 1
Infused Life Magic 1
Critical Protection 1
Infused War Magic 1
Quick Learner 1
Eye of the Remorseless 1
Ciandra's Fortune 4
Hand of the Remorseless 1
Master of the Focused Eye 1
Archmage's Endurance 5
Master of the Five Fold Path 1
Enhancement of the Blade Turner 2
Enhancement of the Arrow Turner 2
Enhancement of the Mace Turner 2
Caustic Enhancement 2
Fiery Enhancement 2
Icy Enhancement 2
Frenzy of the Slayer 1
Storm's Enhancement 2
Iron Skin of the Invincible 1
Name Uses
Valor / Destruction 49
Protection 45
Glory / Retribution 21
Temperance / Hardening 20
Aetheric Vision 5
Mana Flow 5
Mana Infusion 5
Purity 15
Craftsman 5
Specialization 10
World 41
Name Uses
Vitality 126
Birth 2024-05-06T09:31:18+00:00
Deaths 2115
Aetheria Slots 3
Melee Daggers
Ranged Magical Spells
Summoning Naturalist
Celestial Hand
Allegiance Chain
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