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Titles (105)
Lok of Morningthaw Male Aluvian Fuzzy Bunny Slayer  
Total Experience (XP):
XP for next level:
Character Level 1017
Strength (10) 350
Endurance (100) 450
Coordination (100) 460
Quickness (100) 460
Focus (60) 400
Self (10) 390
Health 573 / 573
Stamina 710 / 710
Mana 630 / 630
Skill Credits Available: 31
Unassigned Experience: 3,712,826,462,995,810
Lok of Morningthaw Male Aluvian Fuzzy Bunny Slayer  
Total Experience (XP):
XP for next level:
Character Level 1017
Specialized Skills ?
Assess Person 236
Deception 236
Fletching 523
Melee Defense 543
Missile Weapons 466
Shield 641
Sneak Attack 543
Summoning 516
Trained Skills ?
Alchemy 495
Arcane Lore 341
Armor Tinkering 633
Assess Creature 208
Cooking 495
Creature Enchantment 406
Dirty Fighting 478
Dual Wield 515
Finesse Weapons 515
Healing 495
Heavy Weapons 478
Item Enchantment 406
Item Tinkering 638
Jump 613
Leadership 208
Life Magic 406
Light Weapons 478
Lockpick 495
Loyalty 208
Magic Defense 321
Magic Item Tinkering 608
Mana Conversion 340
Missile Defense 392
Recklessness 478
Run 668
Salvaging 208
Two Handed Combat 478
Void Magic 406
War Magic 406
Weapon Tinkering 583
Adept Adventurer
Aerbax's Bane
Asheron's Defender
Banderling Bully
Bane of the Remoran
Bosh Bosh Kibosh
Bug Butcher
Chain Breaker
Champion of Assassins
Champion of Sickles
Champion of Stone
Champion of the Hive
Champion of the Wild
Chosen of the Rift
Colosseum Champion
Cosmic Conscious
Cragstone Firefighter
Cragstone Knight
Crown Of the Deru
Crypt Rat
Death Knight
Dereth's Elite
Derethian Newbie
Dire Drudge Decapitator
Dire Huntsman
Emotional Wreck
Epic Fail
Epic Win
Floeshark Flogger
Follower of Asheron
Follower of the Vine
Fowl Follower
Fuzzy Bunny Slayer
Gaerlan Slayer
Gardener Weeder
Gauntlet Champion
Glenden Wood Militia
Gold Farmer
Golden God
Grave Stalker
Guardian of Linvak Tukal
Guardian of the Tower
Harbinger of Madness
Haunts Your Dreams
Hero of House Mhoire
Honorary Snowman
Hoogan's Hero
Hope of the Past
Intrepid Explorer
Iron-Spined Chittick Immolator
Lady Tairla's Champion
Likes Asheron
Likes Getting Titles
Mad Cow Slayer
Mender of the Rift
Minion Marauder
Moarsman Defiler
Morale Smasher
Mosswart Worshipper Whipper
Night Owl
Notable Citizen
Novice Wanderer
Obviously Bored
Olthoi Ripper Reducer
Paradox-touched Queenslayer
Prodigal Tusker Slayer
Pumpkin Throne Usurper
Rage Quitter
Red Fury
Resistance Fighter
Resistance Recruit
Rift Walker
Rynthid Wrecker
Sezzherei Slayer
Shallows Shark Nemesis
Shellfish Hater
Slayer of the Black Spear
Soldier Slaughterer
Sorcerer Slayer
Spiketooth Slayer
Stone Cold Killer
Storm Rider
Supreme Soldier
The Cool Kids Club
Thunder Chicken Slayer
Tower Guardian Architect
Tusker Blight
Vanquisher of the Titan
Violator Grievver Vetoer
Worker Obliterator
Zombie Incursion Survivor
Name Uses
Jack of All Trades 1
Infused Void Magic 1
Enduring Calm 10
Shadow of the Seventh Mule 1
Might of the Seventh Mule 5
Infused Creature Magic 1
Clutch of the Miser 3
Infused Item Magic 1
Enduring Enchantment 1
Infused Life Magic 1
Critical Protection 1
Infused War Magic 1
Quick Learner 1
Eye of the Remorseless 1
Ciandra's Fortune 1
Hand of the Remorseless 1
Master of the Steel Circle 1
Master of the Focused Eye 1
Archmage's Endurance 5
Master of the Five Fold Path 1
Enhancement of the Mace Turner 2
Frenzy of the Slayer 1
Iron Skin of the Invincible 1
Name Uses
Valor / Destruction 10
Protection 5
Glory / Retribution 10
Temperance / Hardening 5
Aetheric Vision 5
Mana Flow 5
Mana Infusion 5
Purity 5
Craftsman 5
Specialization 0
World 10
Name Uses
Vitality 5
Birth 2024-02-06T04:16:08+00:00
Deaths 485
Aetheria Slots 3
Times Enlightened? 25
Housing Purchase Date? 2024-08-23 01:51:03 UTC
Melee Daggers
Ranged Bows
Summoning Naturalist
Celestial Hand Adept (180)
Allegiance Chain
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