Ranking: Assess Creature (Base)

Server: Frostcull

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown

Name Server Assess Creature (Base)
Nobody Frostcull 208
Testocules Frostcull 10
Testoculesii Frostcull 10
Hold things I Frostcull 10
A summary of the choices made so Frostcull 5
Pneumonia ibn Pulmondary Adima Frostcull 5
Apex Frostcull 5
Hav Frostcull 5
Robbin hoodz Frostcull 5
Red Fox Frostcull 0
Sixer Rares I Frostcull 0
Desp Jewelry Clothes Mule Frostcull 0
Yellow Jacket Frostcull 0
Accessory Gurog Randy Frostcull 0
Desp Armor Salvage Frostcull 0
Styne Frostcull 0
N Random III Frostcull 0
The Tamer Frostcull 0
N Random VII Frostcull 0
N Rand II Frostcull 0
Nllger Frostcull 0
Sixer Epic Armor Frostcull 0
Sixer O D Weapons Frostcull 0
Altoid the Wise Frostcull 0
Tm Dumpster Two Frostcull 0
Lasinger Frostcull 0
Salvaged Ancient Mu-miyah Frostcull 0
Blues Shade Frostcull 0
Armor Aste Sclavus Frostcull 0
Blue Shade Frostcull 0
Tinkle Frostcull 0
Tm Epics Frostcull 0
Armor Essa Sclavus Frostcull 0
Desp Armor Mule Frostcull 0
N Trophies II Frostcull 0
N Random I Frostcull 0
Sixer Brass Salv Frostcull 0
N Random V Frostcull 0
N Salvage II Frostcull 0
N Rand I Frostcull 0
Sixer Epic Armor II Frostcull 0
N Rand III Frostcull 0
N Salvage I Frostcull 0
Tm Dumpster One Frostcull 0
Skarv Frostcull 0
Alts mule II Frostcull 0
Artet Frostcull 0
Salvaged Banished Mu-miyah Frostcull 0
Hold This Frostcull 0
Sixer Stuff Mule I Frostcull 0
Salvaged High Mu-miyah Frostcull 0
N Trophies I Frostcull 0
Name Aaa Frostcull 0
N Armor II Frostcull 0
Salvaged Dread Mu-miyah Frostcull 0
Accessory Sclavus Neophyte Frostcull 0
Sixer Steel Salv Frostcull 0
Aargul Frostcull 0
Tm Salvage Frostcull 0
Sclavus Scrapper Frostcull 0
Blue Salvage One Frostcull 0
Sixer Imbue Salvage Frostcull 0
Green Hornet Frostcull 0
Jewelry Aste Sclavus Frostcull 0
Black Panther Frostcull 0
N Armor I Frostcull 0
Red Mule One Frostcull 0
Armor Chomu Sclavus Frostcull 0
Armor Laisu Sclavus Frostcull 0
Demon Frostcull 0
Alts armor n weapons Frostcull 0
Armor Faisi Sclavus Frostcull 0
Desp Weapon Mule Frostcull 0
Joe Pierce Frostcull 0
Desp Non Weapon Salvage Mule Frostcull 0
Me carry Frostcull 0
N Random II Frostcull 0
N Aetheria I Frostcull 0
N Random IV Frostcull 0
Sixer Iron Salv Frostcull 0
N Random VI Frostcull 0
Cyberkillerisanlgger Frostcull 0
N Random VIII Frostcull 0
Tm Stuff Frostcull 0
Sixer the Ivory Crafter Frostcull 0
Epic J-Sixer Frostcull 0
More armor Frostcull 0
Sixer Epic Armor III Frostcull 0
Desp Quest Item Mule Frostcull 0
Tinker Tot Frostcull 0
Iexsistformycloths Frostcull 0
Rare Mu-miyah Recluse Frostcull 0
Alts mule I Frostcull 0
Synanthium Frostcull 0
Urden Frostcull 0
Aassd Frostcull 0
N Armor III Frostcull 0
Armor Illu Sclavus Frostcull 0
Red the Ox Frostcull 0
Altoid Frostcull 0