Ranking: Deaths

Server: Hightide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server Deaths
Hammer on you' Hightide 982
Hammer on you Hightide 853
Twistedheat Hightide 799
Al-Booli's Revenge Hightide 706
Hallas Hightide 615
Xavier Dreux Hightide 603
Dmg Hightide 580
Shinhawai Hightide 515
Jupiler Hightide 496
Equin Zhapaj Hightide 461
Quintessence Hightide 407
Waste of Tapers Hightide 406
Martine Hightide 397
Marcus Illanor Hightide 383
Ted Bundy Hightide 370
Domestos Hightide 369
George Of The Jungle Hightide 353
Carnage Hightide 320
Bonkerz Hightide 314
Warweaver Hightide 313
Mental Illness Hightide 308
Fatal Hightide 306
Xanax Faded Hightide 301
Doctor Zaius Hightide 297
Shin shazz Hightide 295
Xavier Hightide 288
A Floating Guy Hightide 287
Inox Hightide 278
Nihilistic Hightide 270
Albedo Hightide 269
Turd Ferguson Hightide 259
Coors Light Hightide 252
Forgot Hightide 245
X-unit Hightide 245
Hightides Finest Hightide 237
Ashley Schaeffer Hightide 235
President Obama Hightide 235
Winguyen Hightide 232
Al-Booli Biotch Hightide 231
Coke Hightide 223
Hellraiser Hightide 214
Renee Hightide 211
Big Lots Hightide 211
McTank Hightide 207
Batman's Bro Hightide 205
Thrill Kill Hightide 205
McOwnage Hightide 203
Throneless Hightide 201
Warweaverii Hightide 199
Shin Charo Hightide 198
Ninjapenguin Hightide 195
Black Cat Hightide 188
The Blue Mist Hightide 186
No-Remorse Hightide 186
Zyny Hightide 185
L A S T C A L L Hightide 181
Vladimir Putin Hightide 180
Dude Hightide 180
Little Foot Hightide 174
Alexandru Hightide 174
Wrong Target Hightide 171
Blu Ballz Hightide 170
Ciudad Hightide 169
Despised Hightide 167
Majin Morbid Hightide 164
Shin Sylvenus Hightide 162
Spawn III Hightide 161
Tara Hightide 158
Spawn The Wise Hightide 157
Plache Hightide 155
Shin Magik Hightide 155
Weaver mule Hightide 154
Trap Whore Hightide 154
The Great Thor Hightide 153
Wiccan Warlock Hightide 152
Warweaveriv-pusher Hightide 152
Murderous Mage Hightide 149
Weaver's Ua Hightide 148
Argaton Hightide 148
Midget in a Briefcase Hightide 147
Thugg Hightide 146
Twisted Heat Hightide 144
Hanasis Hightide 142
Scary Terry Hightide 142
Lacktaite Hightide 141
Murderer Hightide 141
The Void Hightide 140
Tps Report Hightide 139
Shinmagik Hightide 138
Spawn II Hightide 135
Dilly Dilly Hightide 134
Ball Cruncher Hightide 131
Legacy Hightide 130
Blatos Hightide 129
Murderous Hightide 127
Midget in a Suitcase Hightide 126
Jhettski Hightide 126
Ardeiumplut Hightide 125
Intoxiklown Hightide 121
Wet N Sexi Hightide 118