Ranking: Deaths

Server: Leafcull

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server Deaths
Eminent Leafcull 102,993
Bobbyb Leafcull 4,400
Ullysses Leafcull 3,166
Bachus Leafcull 2,977
Flacco Leafcull 2,661
Butterflygolem Leafcull 2,413
Anna Arc'ism Leafcull 2,383
Sholdem Leafcull 2,348
Jaguar Leafcull 2,319
Lothnar Leafcull 2,197
Emerald War Leafcull 2,173
Blacksheep Leafcull 1,901
Son of Flacco Leafcull 1,823
Baku Baku Sama Leafcull 1,652
Glen the bald Leafcull 1,640
Scarey Mary Leafcull 1,604
Ramec's Best Leafcull 1,591
Gandalf the gray' Leafcull 1,586
Survivorr Leafcull 1,560
Sapphire Knight Leafcull 1,417
Lagnafe Leafcull 1,369
Elocin Mage Leafcull 1,354
Sucamarto Leafcull 1,306
Curtains Leafcull 1,273
The Blessing Leafcull 1,267
Belgarrion Leafcull 1,176
Ranthera Leafcull 1,092
Red Jade Leafcull 1,040
Firebird II Leafcull 1,017
Most Precious Blood Leafcull 992
Shaz Leafcull 935
Dark-Spirits Leafcull 888
Apache Leafcull 876
Soulstealer X Leafcull 821
Strange Magericks Leafcull 811
Sledgexbow Leafcull 802
Jungle Souljah Leafcull 800
Nicademous Leafcull 767
Faith al-Dux Leafcull 756
Palomino Leafcull 745
Tainted Lonewolf Leafcull 743
Samuri al-Arzion Leafcull 734
Canopus Comets Leafcull 733
Killerklown Leafcull 733
Miffy Leafcull 698
Fenastus Leafcull 695
Beenie' Leafcull 687
The Memory Remains Leafcull 654
Mori Seji Leafcull 641
Denious Leafcull 629
Pa Chini Leafcull 626
Sensus Leafcull 596
Goobernut Leafcull 594
Slyders Og Leafcull 592
Rho the Devious Leafcull 592
Nexus Leafcull 589
Uncle Jamima Leafcull 588
Guardian of Eden Leafcull 580
Big N Slow Leafcull 579
Slyder Leafcull 575
Chingue Leafcull 540
Mylo Leafcull 539
Long joey Leafcull 538
Shen Lorado Leafcull 522
Mana Man II Leafcull 520
Kyle The Quick Leafcull 513
Dichotomy Leafcull 508
McWomble Leafcull 501
Kevin's Mage Leafcull 496
Snake-Eyes Leafcull 491
Van Hohenheim Leafcull 467
Ithuriel Leafcull 451
Cunning Black Man Leafcull 442
Vayna Leafcull 436
Sub's Occultist Leafcull 429
Little Fighter Leafcull 428
Renozuken Leafcull 423
Samil Mi Leafcull 402
The Lord Mystikal Leafcull 399
Captain Underoos Leafcull 396
Serpentine Knight Leafcull 391
Wyrd Neacailmad Leafcull 389
Rilyl Mi Leafcull 384
Hissy Kitty Leafcull 365
Marlboro Guy Leafcull 349
Omen Machine Leafcull 345
Blackened Soul Leafcull 337
Trade Underling Leafcull 331
Radical Ed Leafcull 330
Laughing Man Leafcull 324
Bow Chicky Bow Bow Leafcull 323
Midgar the Marauder Leafcull 315
Duelor Leafcull 315
Vanu Leafcull 313
Asic II Leafcull 309
Asic's Archer Leafcull 307
Mori Ajisai Leafcull 301
No Soup for U Leafcull 298
Greata Leafcull 297
Required Input Leafcull 293