Ranking: Dual Wield (Base)

Server: Frostfell

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Dual Wield (Base)
Bruce the Shadow Frostfell 429
Dal Vingwar Frostfell 429
Indiana-Axe Frostfell 429
Antisemantite Frostfell 429
Thalak Frostfell 429
T'chau Claytor Frostfell 429
Colin's Master Tinkerer Frostfell 429
Mae Claytor Frostfell 429
Santa's Labor Enforcer Frostfell 429
Finesse Souls Frostfell 429
Starwars Frostfell 429
Aurum est potestas Frostfell 429
Dacnomaniac Frostfell 429
Industrial Strength Frostfell 429
Faldmar Frostfell 429
High-Voltage Frostfell 429
Zanzabar Claytor Frostfell 429
Niknakmageattack Frostfell 419
Tabun Jr Frostfell 419
Dagle ibn Valha Frostfell 418
Dana Scully Frostfell 416
Zeowolf Frostfell 407
Anaan Frostfell 406
Masema Dagar X Frostfell 405
Sneakyfox Frostfell 403
Drunk Irish Gimp Frostfell 401
Super Ua Frostfell 401
Joe Pistone Frostfell 401
Daggorath Frostfell 401
Blaziken Frostfell 401
Bonechewer Frostfell 399
Talmanes Delovinde X Frostfell 396
Asheevi X Frostfell 394
Azel Frostfell 393
Ung the Jushin Frostfell 388
Bunny Fu Fu Frostfell 385
Underrated Frostfell 380
Rif the Fox Frostfell 377
A Grumpy Old Man With A Cane Frostfell 375
Grog of vandel Frostfell 371
Angel of Anarchy Frostfell 370
Dusky Frostfell 363
Warriorwolf Frostfell 360
Deretha Frostfell 360
Crave's Tank Frostfell 358
Zeblund Frostfell 354
Zeo Fox Frostfell 350
Trell'dem Frostfell 336
Painted Frostfell 331
Dalll Vinwar Frostfell 328
Harkesh Lorsun Frostfell 327
Natasha Romanoff Frostfell 323
Zeq Frostfell 323
Zerofox Frostfell 320
Golthor Frostfell 315
Zyrach Frostfell 313
Ninwa-Dagger Frostfell 303
Statusquo Bias Frostfell 300
Colin's Trade Mule Frostfell 300
Cathbad Frostfell 293
Two Hand Soul Frostfell 293
Bruce' Banner Frostfell 283
Clumsy Assassin Frostfell 283
Craverino Frostfell 275
Rockin It Frostfell 268
Swayze Frostfell 258
Dalllaku Vingwar Frostfell 258
Looooggyy Frostfell 250
Gwythinn Xao Mi Frostfell 246
Xenon Hollow Frostfell 237
Deiago Frostfell 237
Ash Claytor Frostfell 232
Kevman Frostfell 223
Dal Armor Frostfell 220
John-Cena Frostfell 217
Roogon VIII Frostfell 209
Forstlan the Killer Frostfell 203
Sann Dually Frostfell 199
Seventytwocorvette Frostfell 193
Zibd I I I Frostfell 193
Dagle ibn Dos Frostfell 193
Super's Tinker Frostfell 193
Marburg Frostfell 193
Swole Souls Frostfell 193
Tungsten Dagle I Frostfell 193
Crispy Bacon Frostfell 193
Depravity Frostfell 193
Super Rocket Frostfell 193
Dagle Chi-Cuk Frostfell 193
Niro's I I I Frostfell 193
Talmanes Delovinde Frostfell 193
Teldir Frostfell 193
Bivara Frostfell 193
Tungsten Dagle Frostfell 193
Lizard Dagle Frostfell 193
Sabot Dagle I Frostfell 193
Dagle ibn Uno Frostfell 193
Lauren Claytor Frostfell 193
Nasu no Yoichi Frostfell 193
Santa's Pooper Scooper Frostfell 193