Ranking: Endurance (Base)

Server: Thistlecrown

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Endurance (Base)
Frostbo Thistlecrown 10
Pierce Brosnan Thistlecrown 10
Ring Fingers Thistlecrown 10
Hearts on Sleeves Thistlecrown 10
Acid Pit Thistlecrown 10
Cupid Thistlecrown 10
Weapon Dump Thistlecrown 10
Tailor Taran Thistlecrown 10
Brass Knuckles Thistlecrown 10
Stetsons Thistlecrown 10
Piercebo Thistlecrown 10
Acid Cleaver Thistlecrown 10
Naween Thistlecrown 10
Steely Dan Thistlecrown 10
Snowball Thistlecrown 10
Leatherneck Thistlecrown 10
Brenna the Banshee Thistlecrown 10
Slash Cleaver Thistlecrown 10
Tailor Tim Thistlecrown 10
Boss Hogg Thistlecrown 10
Underoo Pants Thistlecrown 10
Purple People Eater Thistlecrown 10
Underoo Bottoms Thistlecrown 10
Orange Crush Thistlecrown 10
Old Wickedstick Thistlecrown 10
Flaming Cleaver Thistlecrown 10
Stonecold Cleaver Thistlecrown 10
Girtha Thistlecrown 10
Blackheart Thistlecrown 10
Void Lord Thistlecrown 10
Bash Cleaver Thistlecrown 10
Underoo Tops Thistlecrown 10
Wrecking Ball Thistlecrown 10
Llama Taran Thistlecrown 10
Pocket the Grunt Thistlecrown 10
Starshaddow Thistlecrown 10
Granite Mountain Thistlecrown 10
Green Lantern Thistlecrown 10
Starhammer Thistlecrown 10
Patronus Thistlecrown 10
Devilmouse Red Thistlecrown 10
All Dat Salv Thistlecrown 10
Devilmouse Thistlecrown 10
Fire in the Hole Thistlecrown 10
Lubster Thistlecrown 10
Storage Taran Thistlecrown 10
Hands of Chorizite Thistlecrown 10
Fyreball Thistlecrown 10
Pants on Fire Thistlecrown 10
Junk Drawer Thistlecrown 10
Scissor Hands Thistlecrown 10
Starseeker Thistlecrown 10
Acidbo Thistlecrown 10
Dary Guy Thistlecrown 10
Acid Trip Thistlecrown 10
Armor Dump Thistlecrown 10
Rare Bird Thistlecrown 10
Acid Blast Thistlecrown 10
Salvage Dump Thistlecrown 10
Nobo Thistlecrown 10
Spike Thistlecrown 10
Iron Mike Thistlecrown 10
Ball Lightning Thistlecrown 10
Flamebo Thistlecrown 10
Zapothecary Thistlecrown 10
Zap Cleaver Thistlecrown 10
Fred Sanford Thistlecrown 10
Coat Rack Thistlecrown 10
Lightning Bolt Thistlecrown 10
Tassie Thistlecrown 10
Sawblade Thistlecrown 10
Devoid Thistlecrown 10
Mr Forge Thistlecrown 10
Blunt Force Trauma Thistlecrown 10
Rust Bucket Thistlecrown 10
Trophy Case Thistlecrown 10
Etheria Thistlecrown 10
Snowwhite Thistlecrown 10
Hoory Robes Thistlecrown 10
Keymaster Thistlecrown 10
Ringworm Thistlecrown 10
Lightning Rod Thistlecrown 10
Neckbone Thistlecrown 10
Bluntbo Thistlecrown 10
Snow White Thistlecrown 10
Slashbo Thistlecrown 10
Salvage Yard Thistlecrown 10
Paul Drons Thistlecrown 10
Items and more Thistlecrown 10
McGrumfadoo Thistlecrown 10
Raintree Thistlecrown 10
Boot to the Head Thistlecrown 10
Aquaman Thistlecrown 10
Ohyousogood Thistlecrown 10
Glyphs and Scrolls Thistlecrown 10
The Wecking One Thistlecrown 10
Alloy Boy Thistlecrown 10
Armed N Useless Thistlecrown 10
Bracelet Annie Thistlecrown 10
Shockbo Thistlecrown 10