Ranking: Item Tinkering (Base)

Server: Hightide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server Item Tinkering (Base)
Wrong Target Hightide 526
I level people Hightide 501
The Select Few Hightide 494
Carcinoma Hightide 481
Radiant Knights Hightide 465
Quintinker Hightide 463
T B M's Wench Hightide 458
Supertink Hightide 458
Potato Gun Hightide 457
Shin Alchy Hightide 456
Bigtinks Hightide 453
Vince McMahon Hightide 453
Tinkerson Hightide 448
Warweaveriii Hightide 440
Alexandru Hightide 440
Tinker Bell Hightide 430
Quality Hightide 430
Dark Awakening Hightide 427
Clam Stamp Hightide 424
Daddy Hightide 420
Thereugo Hightide 419
Turd Ferguson Hightide 415
Murderous Hightide 415
I Tink I Can Hightide 412
Tinknstuff Hightide 407
Spawn Trade Hightide 398
The Tinker Hightide 390
Robot Hightide 374
Egwene Hightide 371
Aphrodite's Blessing Hightide 369
Dk United Hightide 357
Ninjatink Hightide 353
Malice Hightide 350
Red I Hightide 340
Toasted Almond Hightide 335
Hypatia Hightide 330
U-Tech Hightide 320
Gimped Hightide 320
Tinker That Hightide 320
Tooty Tink Hightide 315
Twisted Meat Hightide 310
Hairy Bolsanya Hightide 306
Hephaestus's Hammer Hightide 295
Choden Juan Hightide 295
Renee Hightide 290
Black Cat Hightide 290
Zyny Hightide 290
Blu Ballz Hightide 290
Warweaveriv-pusher Hightide 290
Silent Thrill Hightide 290
Thrill Kill Hightide 290
Warweaver Hightide 290
Hightides Finest Hightide 290
Doctor Zaius Hightide 290
Eclectic Android Hightide 290
Hammer on you' Hightide 290
Intoxiklown Hightide 290
Anytime Hightide 290
The Menace Hightide 289
Blink Hightide 288
Stevie Wonder Hightide 285
Pms Revenge Hightide 285
Sagittarius Hightide 285
Old Sport Hightide 283
Rick Flare Cast Hightide 283
Weapon tinker Hightide 281
Wrathchild Hightide 280
Lord Sesshomaru Hightide 280
Over Nine Thousand Hightide 280
Red Unknown Misery Hightide 280
Twistedspec Hightide 277
Weaver-epic-jewelry Hightide 275
The Blue Mist Hightide 275
Sinder Hightide 275
One Trick Pony Hightide 271
Radiant Knight Hightide 271
Intrinsic Hightide 270
Bigoldix Hightide 270
Al-booli's Fister Hightide 270
Ardeiumplut Hightide 270
Eglaidia Hightide 270
Fuhrer Hightide 265
Bloodtide Hightide 265
Symorx Hightide 265
King Pusher One Hightide 265
Sturm Brightblade Hightide 263
Doublepenitration Hightide 263
Parental-Advisory Hightide 260
Mental Illness Hightide 260
Spike Hightide 260
Warbeaver Hightide 260
Blatos Hightide 260
Xavier Hightide 260
Arrows Hurt Hightide 260
Creb Hightide 260
Die for me please Hightide 260
Jedi Hightide 260
Hellraiser Hightide 258
Weaver mule Hightide 255
Lirrit Hightide 255