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Server: FrostfACE

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server Level
Cereal Killer VI War FrostfACE 275
Danger Eye II Heavy FrostfACE 275
BJ Blazkovicz XXI War FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten IX Heavy FrostfACE 275
Blood Thirsty II Heavy FrostfACE 275
Auna FrostfACE 275
Coyote the Trixter FrostfACE 275
Asteroid X Heavy FrostfACE 275
All Hail The King VI Missile FrostfACE 275
Asteroid XVII Heavy FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten 20 Missile FrostfACE 275
Blood Thirsty IV War FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster X Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Catastrophic Override 76 Missile FrostfACE 275
Apollo Justice X Missile FrostfACE 275
Apollo Justice X Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Awesome Sauce VII War FrostfACE 275
Damnation Dalmation XVI War FrostfACE 275
Darkdeath Evilman IX War FrostfACE 275
Danger Eye III War FrostfACE 275
Darkdeath Evilman I War FrostfACE 275
Blizzard III War FrostfACE 275
Annihilator VI Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Blood Thirsty II War FrostfACE 275
Asteroid XVII Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Cali Badass XIV War FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster I Heavy FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster X Heavy FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten II Missile FrostfACE 275
Apollo Justice I War FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten IX War FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster XII War FrostfACE 275
Cereal Killer VI Heavy FrostfACE 275
Amazing Babe II Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Clown Lover 50 War FrostfACE 275
Angelic Male X Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Cool Chick XI War FrostfACE 275
Apollo Justice X War FrostfACE 275
Axel XII War FrostfACE 275
Azul the Cerulean II War FrostfACE 275
Dandelion XII Missile FrostfACE 275
Death Digger 4 War FrostfACE 275
Danger Eye II War FrostfACE 275
Barbie Girl XXVII Missile FrostfACE 275
Blitz XVIII Missile FrostfACE 275
Darkdeath Evilman VI War FrostfACE 275
Blitz XVIII War FrostfACE 275
Asteroid X War FrostfACE 275
Blizzard IX War FrostfACE 275
Darkdeath Evilman XIX Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Blood Thirsty II Missile FrostfACE 275
Asteroid XVII Missile FrostfACE 275
Blood Thirsty IV Missile FrostfACE 275
Annihilator VIII Heavy FrostfACE 275
Annihilator VIII Two Hander FrostfACE 275
All Hail The King VI War FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster I War FrostfACE 275
Buckshot VI Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Annihilator VIII War FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten 20 Heavy FrostfACE 275
Alpha Male XIV War FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten 20 War FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster X Missile FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten II War FrostfACE 275
All Hail The King III Missile FrostfACE 275
Captain Kitten IX Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster X War FrostfACE 275
Catastrophic Override 76 Heavy FrostfACE 275
Apollo Justice X Heavy FrostfACE 275
Catastrophic Override 76 War FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster XXIII War FrostfACE 275
Cereal Killer VI Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Asteroid X Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Cereal Killer VII Missile FrostfACE 275
Automatic Maniac XVIII Heavy FrostfACE 275
Automatic Maniac XVIII War FrostfACE 275
Blaster XVI War FrostfACE 275
Cool Chick VIII Heavy FrostfACE 275
Awesome Sauce VII Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Cosmic Boy XXII Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Dash Rendar I War FrostfACE 275
Cyber Woo 53 Heavy FrostfACE 275
Ash Crimson XIII War FrostfACE 275
Damnation Dalmation XVI Missile FrostfACE 275
All Hail The King III War FrostfACE 275
Dandelion X Two Hander FrostfACE 275
BJ Blazkovicz XIV War FrostfACE 275
Dandy Death Eater XXI Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Death Digger XXI War FrostfACE 275
Danger Eye II Missile FrostfACE 275
Badass Billy IV Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Danger Eye III Heavy FrostfACE 275
Asteroid X Missile FrostfACE 275
Devil In Disguise VIII Missile FrostfACE 275
Devil In Disguise VI War FrostfACE 275
Desert Hawk XIV Two Hander FrostfACE 275
Darkdeath Evilman IX Heavy FrostfACE 275
All Hail The King III Heavy FrostfACE 275
Atomic Blaster I Missile FrostfACE 275
Buckshot XIII War FrostfACE 275