Ranking: Magic Defense (Base)

Server: Ascension

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Magic Defense (Base)
Sodos Ascension 319
Somebody Ascension 319
Maddox the Ranger Ascension 303
Iwrestledabearonce Ascension 300
Iamnobody Ascension 300
Manex Ascension 291
Rau'Xanthas Ascension 291
Taelya Ascension 291
Gedatsu Ascension 291
Viscaro Ascension 291
Xetasha Ascension 291
Demise Ascension 291
Mary's hoe Ascension 291
Vetis Ascension 278
Tinky McTinkface Ascension 278
Hephaestus Ascension 278
Ryu Ascension 275
Dr Spengler Ascension 272
Isparian Alchemist Ascension 270
To Nao Ascension 265
Rarehuntertwo Ascension 265
Ultra Ascension 265
Couic Ascension 265
Jaime Lannister Ascension 265
Bazzak Rayve Ascension 261
Tifar Ascension 260
Vesperian Sorrow Ascension 260
Amber Ascension 260
Imbludaba Ascension 259
Tinker Tailor Ascension 259
Flashfire Ascension 258
Dr Stantz Ascension 252
Xartok Ascension 252
Yarnag Ascension 250
Dr Venkman Ascension 250
Grivven Il'vek Ascension 248
Tinkeress Ascension 247
Dathi Ascension 246
Edmond Dantes Ascension 245
Shoot N Pray Ascension 244
Black Hand Ascension 240
Alphonse Ascension 238
Razzmatazz Rigamarole Ascension 238
Pusher I I Ascension 237
Tamaki Okami Ascension 237
Wise N Adept Ascension 235
Brass N Garnet Ascension 233
Jubbly Ascension 232
Betty Crocker Plus Ascension 231
Lakarat Ascension 230
Veilless Ascension 228
Bugsy Ascension 228
Pusher I Ascension 224
The Glass Ceiling Ascension 221
Ciar Ascension 221
Killer Queen Ascension 220
Hahkem Ascension 220
Raja Ascension 220
Lazerus Ascension 219
Mallevar Ascension 217
Roronoa Zoro Ascension 216
Dead on Time Ascension 215
Tarius Axefell Ascension 214
Stormfire Ascension 214
Steeldick Ascension 214
Weapon Mule Ascension 214
Bracelets Ascension 214
Nick Erz Ascension 214
Taken Ascension 213
Kage Ascension 210
Pastor Davo Ascension 210
Rings Ascension 207
Psycho Tinker Ascension 206
Hannah Ascension 206
Rares N Aetheria Ascension 205
Made in France Ascension 205
Bangles N Trinkets Ascension 205
Iron N Granite Ascension 205
Ged Sparrowhawk Ascension 204
Rogue Robot Ascension 204
Devvel Rayve Ascension 203
Mahogany and Foolproof Ascension 202
Dextrous Ascension 202
Shirts Galore Ascension 202
Han Solomon Ascension 200
Alex the Hunter Ascension 200
Real Steel Ascension 198
Hearty Defense Ascension 198
Lexa Ascension 195
Nightmare Ascension 190
Zeus Ascension 186
Blue Screen of Death Ascension 186
Rustbolt Ascension 185
Keymaster Ascension 184
Takar the Blind Ascension 181
Imrielle Ascension 180
Lokain Ascension 180
Alexa Ascension 178
Springer Ascension 178
Snerkle Ascension 178