Ranking: Magic Defense (Base)

Server: Frostfell

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Magic Defense (Base)
Teldir Frostfell 319
Fquicker Frostfell 319
Fiko Frostfell 319
Snus Frostfell 319
Red halo Frostfell 319
Fquick Frostfell 319
High-Voltage VII Frostfell 319
Hawk-Crave Frostfell 319
High-Voltage VI Frostfell 319
Bed Bug Eater Frostfell 319
Zie F F Zie Frostfell 319
Name's Healer Frostfell 319
Bricksquad Frostfell 319
Sparrhawk Frostfell 319
Void Souls Frostfell 319
Spqr Frostfell 319
Virtual Burrito Frostfell 319
Shin Bang Frostfell 319
Mag-Salvager Frostfell 319
Muadip The Wisist Frostfell 319
Souls of Reality Frostfell 319
Ryhme Frostfell 319
Frozen Rose Frostfell 319
Darkside of Frostfell Frostfell 319
Niknak-Og-Attack Frostfell 319
Umadcuzubad Frostfell 319
Grogimus Frostfell 319
Mr Baker II Frostfell 319
Eldgrim Frostfell 319
Wadi Frostfell 319
Adnan Reborn Frostfell 319
Armys Healer Frostfell 318
Anyoung Haseyo Frostfell 313
Drive-By Santa Frostfell 313
Enkuklios Frostfell 313
Munjed in the Oomp Frostfell 313
Evilkronik Frostfell 312
Crispy Bacon Frostfell 310
Great Garura Frostfell 310
Coors III Frostfell 309
Mag-five Frostfell 306
Mag-six Frostfell 306
Mag-lite Frostfell 306
Mag-seven Frostfell 306
Throwing Souls Frostfell 306
Mag-nus Frostfell 306
Colin's Master Tinkerer Frostfell 306
High-Voltage VIII Frostfell 306
Ung the Jushin Frostfell 306
High-Voltage III Frostfell 306
Gareth the Wanderer Frostfell 306
Shamble Frostfell 306
High-Voltage IX Frostfell 306
Any Given Monday Frostfell 306
High-Voltage X Frostfell 306
Frying Dragon Frostfell 306
Oz Pk Frostfell 306
U come to Moe Frostfell 306
Bwoon Dub Frostfell 306
Dota Frostfell 306
Yelp Frostfell 305
El-Der Frostfell 303
Sarang The Jushin Frostfell 302
Cirazo Frostfell 300
Flea Eater Frostfell 300
High-Voltage Frostfell 300
Hans Hellfire Frostfell 300
Xtalibur Frostfell 300
Heimerdinger Frostfell 300
Daggorath Frostfell 300
Santa's Labor Enforcer Frostfell 300
Oompa Loomp Frostfell 300
Yong the brave Frostfell 299
Wannabe Frostfell 297
Unarmed The Mak II Frostfell 296
Kronik's Littlegirl Frostfell 293
Quebelay Mk-II Frostfell 293
Niro's I I I Frostfell 293
Santa's Pooper Scooper Frostfell 293
Mckeb I I I Frostfell 293
Sweet spawn Frostfell 293
Blaziken Frostfell 293
Will Wiley Frostfell 293
Keith the Strong Frostfell 293
Fay Mui Frostfell 293
Your Worst Knightmare Frostfell 293
Sinfully Sweet Frostfell 293
Anaid Frostfell 293
You Knowwwww Frostfell 293
Joe Pistone Frostfell 293
Tive I I I Frostfell 293
Lowboy Frostfell 293
Slapaho Frostfell 293
Ll-Cool-J Frostfell 293
Gones Axer Frostfell 293
Big Goofey Gigas Frostfell 293
Sickly Wisp Frostfell 291
Vice Duke of Rithwic Frostfell 291
Nevoros Darksoul Frostfell 291
Bivara Frostfell 291