Ranking: Magic Item Tinkering (Base)

Server: Asheron4Fun.com

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Magic Item Tinkering (Base)
The Mad Scrillentist Asheron4Fun.com 526
Nato Comes Alive Asheron4Fun.com 526
Shifty Craft Asheron4Fun.com 498
Gehong Asheron4Fun.com 498
Levitikus Asheron4Fun.com 498
Widow Asheron4Fun.com 485
Tink It Asheron4Fun.com 448
Tinker Belle Asheron4Fun.com 415
Misstressdeluna Asheron4Fun.com 360
Ethereal Tink Asheron4Fun.com 330
Fluffy Asheron4Fun.com 326
Runningman Asheron4Fun.com 290
Domingo Asheron4Fun.com 290
Poledra Asheron4Fun.com 290
Void Scrillz Asheron4Fun.com 290
Bob Margolin Asheron4Fun.com 290
Martyr Asheron4Fun.com 290
Ellegon Asheron4Fun.com 290
The One Asheron4Fun.com 290
Proxima Asheron4Fun.com 290
Avoid Asheron4Fun.com 290
Gideon Asheron4Fun.com 290
Salty Queen Asheron4Fun.com 290
Scrillzar Asheron4Fun.com 290
Blastoise Asheron4Fun.com 290
Minch Asheron4Fun.com 290
Arwic Asheron4Fun.com 290
Gelt Asheron4Fun.com 290
Rashima Asheron4Fun.com 290
Jack Asheron4Fun.com 290
Miss Salty Asheron4Fun.com 290
Raine Asheron4Fun.com 290
Robin Hood Asheron4Fun.com 290
Rando Asheron4Fun.com 290
Old Zizzler Asheron4Fun.com 290
Friskyhobo Asheron4Fun.com 290
Shared Asheron4Fun.com 290
Hailene Asheron4Fun.com 290
Ma Asheron4Fun.com 290
Lord Kracker Asheron4Fun.com 290
Alatar Asheron4Fun.com 290
Old Hunter Asheron4Fun.com 290
Bulwark Asheron4Fun.com 280
Tufty Asheron4Fun.com 260
Shelia Asheron4Fun.com 260
Scrillz Express Asheron4Fun.com 255
Azhreghal Asheron4Fun.com 252
Jazamax Asheron4Fun.com 250
Hannah Asheron4Fun.com 250
The Unholy Mage Asheron4Fun.com 250
Hawkeye Asheron4Fun.com 245
Packman Asheron4Fun.com 243
Relinquished Asheron4Fun.com 240
Ichijo Otomo Asheron4Fun.com 240
Oldhunter Asheron4Fun.com 240
Welphgryn Asheron4Fun.com 240
Tombprincess Asheron4Fun.com 240
Dantra Asheron4Fun.com 240
Darkhen Asheron4Fun.com 240
Sadie Asheron4Fun.com 240
Techie Asheron4Fun.com 230
Summer Asheron4Fun.com 230
Icebound Asheron4Fun.com 230
Zara Asheron4Fun.com 230
Zippyuk Asheron4Fun.com 230
Twaalf Asheron4Fun.com 230
Rottweiller Asheron4Fun.com 230
Desertwalker Asheron4Fun.com 230
Billy Asheron4Fun.com 225
Lofty Asheron4Fun.com 223
Lyonn Hawke Asheron4Fun.com 222
Private Salty Asheron4Fun.com 220
Shaad Asheron4Fun.com 220
Owari Kitabta Asheron4Fun.com 220
Light Asheron4Fun.com 220
Axis Asheron4Fun.com 220
Cancer Asheron4Fun.com 220
Frodo Asheron4Fun.com 220
Old Biscut Asheron4Fun.com 215
Musashi Asheron4Fun.com 210
Old Hunter II Asheron4Fun.com 210
Epicss Asheron4Fun.com 210
Epicsss Asheron4Fun.com 210
Shaman Asheron4Fun.com 210
Hardly Working Asheron4Fun.com 210
Ethereal Asheron4Fun.com 210
Working Hard Asheron4Fun.com 210
Wolf Asheron4Fun.com 210
Coyote the Trixter Asheron4Fun.com 210
Angry Old Man Asheron4Fun.com 210
Hand Sum Asheron4Fun.com 208
Salty Kracker Asheron4Fun.com 205
Warhawke Asheron4Fun.com 205
Siliveth Asheron4Fun.com 201
Bin Holder Asheron4Fun.com 200
Salty Sb Asheron4Fun.com 200
Sergeant Salty Asheron4Fun.com 200
Scrillze Asheron4Fun.com 200
Paladin Asheron4Fun.com 200
Admiral Salty Asheron4Fun.com 200