Ranking: Mana (Base)

Server: Hightide

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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Mana (Base)
Blue Hightide 10
Big Sal Hightide 10
Botox Hightide 10
Anero Sucks diK Hightide 10
Armormule Hightide 10
Butt Chug Hightide 10
Best Steel Mule Na Hightide 10
China Bowmaker Hightide 10
Chest of Salvage Hightide 10
Captain New Hightide 10
A Walkingtalking Steven Hawking Hightide 10
Allycat Hightide 10
Chinese Dancer Hightide 10
Bag of Weapons Hightide 10
Butt Chugz Hightide 10
Anyone in Blood is a fkboi Hightide 10
Brass Mule Hightide 10
Big Boi Clothes Hightide 10
Christy Mack Hightide 10
Arlens Keys Hightide 10
Clunk Hightide 10
Armor Steel Hightide 10
Captain Tinker Hightide 10
Brazzy Hightide 10
Britonia Elengore Hightide 10
China Doll Hightide 10
Carrier Hightide 10
Chinese Hair Doo Hightide 10
Asus Hightide 10
Crystal Method Hightide 10
Backpack Hightide 10
Another New Mule Hightide 10
A few keys Hightide 10
Cirdecrendsalv Hightide 10
Buehl the Mule Hightide 10
Captain Obvious Hightide 10
Belzebob Krauss Hightide 10
Chin Check Hightide 10
Al-Booli's Tinker Hightide 10
Charmins exploit Viss Hightide 10
Brazz Monkey Hightide 10
Components Mule Hightide 10
Big Stuff Hightide 10
Booty Bandit Hightide 10
Cantwealljustgetalong Hightide 10
Cold as Ice Hightide 10
Armor Salvage Hightide 10
Aleister Crowley Hightide 10
Brass xxxxxxx Hightide 10
Comical Chinaman Hightide 10
Captain America Hightide 10
Chest Of Stank Hightide 10
A Truly Awful Pk Hightide 10
Clips Hightide 10
Chest Of Armor Hightide 10
Carnival Hightide 10
Broken Ice Hightide 10
Charmin Loggers are an Exploit Hightide 10
Chinese Mafia Hit Man Hightide 10
China Hunter Hightide 10
Chinese Monk Hightide 10
Brass Egg Carrier Hightide 10
Chinese Proverb Hightide 10
Asyfksld Hightide 10
Daoin Hightide 10
Anette Halbestunde Hightide 10
Armor Epics xxxx Hightide 10
Badfbsd Hightide 10
Chinese Lotus Hightide 10
Al-Booli's Rank Chain Hightide 10
Bubu Hightide 10
Ballinbags Hightide 10
Dasdasd Hightide 10
Border Patrol Hightide 10
Charmin loggers are an Exploit Hightide 10
Basy Hightide 10
Chinese Shoe Shiner Hightide 10
Belinda Du' Loc Hightide 10
Careberos Hightide 10
Bend The Knee Hightide 10
Cirdecsteelsalv Hightide 10
Best parts Hightide 10
Bikelock Professor Hightide 10
Bras'steel'Gg'Granite Hightide 10
Chest Hightide 10
Armor Epics zzzz Hightide 10
Burden Hightide 10
Blunted Nitely Hightide 10
Dasdasdas Hightide 10
Big Sexy Hightide 10
Brazz Hightide 10
Big lug Hightide 10
Brandonl Hightide 10
Dead Planet Hightide 10
Dasdsa Hightide 10
Complete-Chaos Hightide 10
Clothes Bag Hightide 10
Chest Of Mahogany Hightide 10
Chest Of Iron Hightide 10
Asdfasdfasd Hightide 10