Ranking: Melee Defense (Base)

Server: Asheron4Fun.com

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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Melee Defense (Base)
Welph's Guardian III Asheron4Fun.com 7
Avoidance Asheron4Fun.com 7
Livewire Asheron4Fun.com 7
Welph's Guardian I Asheron4Fun.com 7
Welph's Guardian Asheron4Fun.com 7
Trees Asheron4Fun.com 7
Tycel Asheron4Fun.com 7
Test subject Asheron4Fun.com 7
Trendol Asheron4Fun.com 7
Jjmage Asheron4Fun.com 7
White Tiger Asheron4Fun.com 7
Widow Asheron4Fun.com 7
Welph's Guardian II Asheron4Fun.com 7
Hellhawke Asheron4Fun.com 7
Darkhen Asheron4Fun.com 7
Al Nubie Asheron4Fun.com 7
Al Noobie Asheron4Fun.com 10
Ellyn Farchild Asheron4Fun.com 12
Zraxor Asheron4Fun.com 12
Hoggie The Mule Asheron4Fun.com 12
Fifteen Asheron4Fun.com 12
Welph's Tinkerer Asheron4Fun.com 12
Thirteen Asheron4Fun.com 12
Vermithrax Asheron4Fun.com 12
Protix Asheron4Fun.com 12
Five Asheron4Fun.com 12
Nine Asheron4Fun.com 12
Seven Asheron4Fun.com 12
Eleven Asheron4Fun.com 12
Three Asheron4Fun.com 12
Seventeen Asheron4Fun.com 12
Nineteen Asheron4Fun.com 12
Queen Proximo Asheron4Fun.com 13
Sv Cdx Asheron4Fun.com 13
Polgara Asheron4Fun.com 13
Dee Asheron4Fun.com 13
Zeven Asheron4Fun.com 13
Drie Asheron4Fun.com 13
Een Asheron4Fun.com 13
Negen Asheron4Fun.com 13
Sunny Asheron4Fun.com 13
Tallas Asheron4Fun.com 13
Mavison Asheron4Fun.com 13
Vijf Asheron4Fun.com 13
Persephone Asheron4Fun.com 13
Test the chest Asheron4Fun.com 13
Tien Asheron4Fun.com 13
Twaalf Asheron4Fun.com 13
Roogon Asheron4Fun.com 13
Veertien Asheron4Fun.com 13
Nightshade Asheron4Fun.com 13
Zestien Asheron4Fun.com 13
Negentien Asheron4Fun.com 13
Panicmage Asheron4Fun.com 17
Old Wicked Two Asheron4Fun.com 17
Hot Lips Asheron4Fun.com 18
Umbri Darkmore Asheron4Fun.com 20
Trip Asheron4Fun.com 22
Old Wicked Mulei Asheron4Fun.com 23
Hojo Imagawa Asheron4Fun.com 27
Twitchy Asheron4Fun.com 30
Scrillz Express Asheron4Fun.com 30
Denna the Witch Asheron4Fun.com 33
Lrd Protix Asheron4Fun.com 33
Void Walker Asheron4Fun.com 33
Thing Weapons Asheron4Fun.com 37
Thing Armor Asheron4Fun.com 37
Thing Aug Salvage Asheron4Fun.com 37
Tinkertoy Asheron4Fun.com 37
Thing Steel Asheron4Fun.com 37
Keys V Asheron4Fun.com 37
Rebecca the Healer Asheron4Fun.com 37
Blackthantos Asheron4Fun.com 37
Therin Asheron4Fun.com 37
Al'Kim'ical Asheron4Fun.com 37
King Salvage Asheron4Fun.com 37
Thing Junk Asheron4Fun.com 37
Keys II Asheron4Fun.com 37
Multi Legendary Asheron4Fun.com 37
Thing Salvage Asheron4Fun.com 37
Keys Asheron4Fun.com 37
Thing One Asheron4Fun.com 37
Scrillz Al-Mule Asheron4Fun.com 37
Billy Asheron4Fun.com 37
Mule Skinner Blues Asheron4Fun.com 42
Scrillz Al-Mulem Asheron4Fun.com 42
Keys IV Asheron4Fun.com 43
Adam Asheron4Fun.com 47
Salvage Boy Asheron4Fun.com 47
Azhreghal Asheron4Fun.com 49
Frisky Hobo Asheron4Fun.com 50
Zalak Asheron4Fun.com 50
Riseen Asheron4Fun.com 50
Adw Asheron4Fun.com 50
Fatal Mage Asheron4Fun.com 53
Tuscan Ranger Asheron4Fun.com 55
Shaman Asheron4Fun.com 57
Shifty Craft Asheron4Fun.com 57
Big Dee Asheron4Fun.com 60
Arwic Mule Asheron4Fun.com 60