Ranking: Melee Defense (Base)

Server: Emulators

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Melee Defense (Base)
Traveling Narcissist FunkyTEST 333597
Linae Drunkenfell 11892
Ondrea Drunkenfell 11892
Emissary of the Crypt Drunkenfell 875
Narko Frostcull 699
Master Bloodstone FunkyTown 2.0 643
Fallen Shadow FunkyTown 2.0 562
Ruffian Infinite Frosthaven 541
The End Infinite Frosthaven 538
Puff FunkyTown 2.0 533
Chet Yubetcha Infinite Frosthaven 523
Ailsa Infinite Frosthaven 497
Nowwa Needazheet Infinite Frosthaven 497
Silva Infinite Frosthaven 491
Westside Mage Seedsow 473
Penumbrean Shadow Reefcull 473
Ronsolo InfiniteLeaftide 466
Morigoto InfiniteLeaftide 460
Deity Arokh Infinite Frosthaven 459
Ogsgirl Seedsow 457
Abominable Snowman FunkyTown 2.0 450
Yartuk InfiniteLeaftide 449
Twelve Steps InfiniteLeaftide 448
Hinata Hyuga Infinite Frosthaven 448
Mucinel Infinite Frosthaven 446
Edith Puthie Infinite Frosthaven 444
Hank Hill InfiniteLeaftide 436
Tink About It Infinite Frosthaven 436
Kyudo Infinite Frosthaven 436
Ellie Infinite Frosthaven 435
Incredibaalpaca Reefcull 430
Geometricalpaca Reefcull 430
Baalthorne Reefcull 430
Queen Cleopatra Reefcull 430
Heavy Trees Infinite Frosthaven 430
Neutropia Harvestbud 430
Masonry Golem FunkyTown 2.0 430
Olthoi Fathomless Refuge 430
Nonya AChard 429
Lun VII Coldeve 429
Captain Salty Asheron4Fun.com 429
Admiral Salty Asheron4Fun.com 429
Wooy Coldeve 429
Kryptik H Coldeve 429
Bradford AChard 429
Ketchikan Coldeve 429
Chill Peel Coldeve 429
Tiekoms Asheron4Fun.com 429
Kryptik D Coldeve 429
Darkmoon Archer Coldeve 429
Tweek II Coldeve 429
Juneau Coldeve 429
To Nao Ascension 429
Vetis Ascension 429
Kryptik B Coldeve 429
Bugsy Ascension 429
Coyote the Trixter Asheron4Fun.com 429
Bow AChard 429
Tweek VIII Coldeve 429
Kryptik G Coldeve 429
Tweek IX Coldeve 429
Kryptik E Coldeve 429
Wrex Coldeve 429
Kryptik F Coldeve 429
Vinnie Paul Coldeve 429
Tweek I Coldeve 429
Phil Anselmo Coldeve 429
Rex Brown Coldeve 429
Cyberknight Coldeve 429
Salty Sb Asheron4Fun.com 429
Kryptik I Coldeve 429
Jaime Lannister Ascension 429
Brycter Coldeve 429
Chunken Ascension 429
Iamnobody Ascension 429
Clockwerk Asheron4Fun.com 429
Tweek III Coldeve 429
Dr Venkman Ascension 429
Tweek IV Coldeve 429
Hardman Coldeve 429
Tu Hann Mane Coldeve 429
Platinum Coldeve 429
Flint Kimberlite Coldeve 429
Lrd Epzilon Asheron4Fun.com 429
Private Salty Asheron4Fun.com 429
Tox Coldeve 429
Edmond Dantes Ascension 429
Ryu Ascension 429
Tweek VII Coldeve 429
Dizzle Coldeve 429
Relinquished Asheron4Fun.com 429
Sergeant Salty Asheron4Fun.com 429
Velvetmoon Coldeve 429
Zux Coldeve 429
Rarehuntertwo Ascension 429
Harvest Souls Coldeve 429
Vayna Coldeve 429
Velvet Ice Coldeve 429
Fix Coldeve 429
Kryptik C Coldeve 429