Ranking: Quickness (Base)

Server: Ascension

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Quickness (Base)
Haskell Ascension 290
Taken Ascension 290
Ir Encumbered Ascension 290
Ultra Ascension 290
Chunken Ascension 290
Imbludaba Ascension 290
Vetis Ascension 290
Iamnobody Ascension 290
Rarehuntertwo Ascension 290
Maddox the Ranger Ascension 290
Jaime Lannister Ascension 290
Takar the Blind Ascension 290
Rustbolt Ascension 290
Pusher I I Ascension 290
Nuggie Ascension 290
To Nao Ascension 290
Couic Ascension 290
Xartok Ascension 290
Veilless Ascension 290
Bugsy Ascension 290
Dr Venkman Ascension 290
Ryu Ascension 290
Roronoa Zoro Ascension 290
Edmond Dantes Ascension 290
Grivven Il'vek Ascension 280
Psycho Tinker Ascension 280
Razzmatazz Rigamarole Ascension 280
Horace Pinker Ascension 279
The Dark Hand Ascension 273
Pastor Davo Ascension 270
Mister Tinkertrain Ascension 270
Raja Ascension 270
Ciar Ascension 270
Rogue Robot Ascension 270
Blue Screen of Death Ascension 270
Kage Ascension 267
Krusher Ascension 260
Zuril Ascension 260
Pusher I Ascension 260
Mallevar Ascension 255
Gundam Wingzero Ascension 250
Larry Ascension 250
Keymaster Ascension 250
Alex the Hunter Ascension 249
Hearty Defense Ascension 247
Rares N Aetheria Ascension 247
Bracelets Ascension 247
Bangles N Trinkets Ascension 247
Shirts Galore Ascension 247
Weapon Mule Ascension 247
Nick Erz Ascension 247
Mahogany and Foolproof Ascension 247
Rings Ascension 247
Iron N Granite Ascension 247
Real Steel Ascension 247
Stormfire Ascension 247
Nightmare Ascension 240
Lvl the tinker Ascension 240
Alexa Ascension 240
Brib Tailor Ascension 240
Master of Arms Ascension 240
Unnamed Ascension 240
Isparian Alchemist Ascension 240
Amber Ascension 240
Dextrous Ascension 238
Drizz Ascension 235
Sanamar Ascension 235
Everybody Ascension 230
Bazzak Rayve Ascension 230
Midare Ascension 230
Lexa Ascension 230
Tallywhacker Ascension 230
Curly Ascension 230
Snowman Killer Ascension 230
Han Solomon Ascension 230
Devvel Rayve Ascension 230
Holder Ascension 226
Aesmeus Ascension 220
Creep Ascension 220
Sanguine Ascension 220
Xp Pusher Ascension 220
Steeldick Ascension 220
Mouse Ascension 220
Blitzo Ascension 220
Mr Pink Ascension 220
Finesstra Ascension 220
Radfish Ascension 220
Baxy's Fancier Legos Ascension 220
Wise N Adept Ascension 215
Shoot N Pray Ascension 215
Betty Crocker Plus Ascension 215
Tifar Ascension 210
Killer Queen Ascension 210
Jubbly Ascension 210
Mo Ascension 210
Seen Better Days Ascension 210
Iwrestledabearonce Ascension 210
Springer Ascension 208
Brass N Garnet Ascension 207
Yarnag Ascension 200