Ranking: Quickness (Base)

Server: Duskfall

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Quickness (Base)
The guy IV Duskfall 10
Doom Duskfall 10
Diablo Duskfall 10
Xan Zynn Duskfall 10
Z Armor Tinker Mule Duskfall 10
Aeygogen Duskfall 10
Fun Bag Duskfall 10
Orva Duskfall 10
Tinker Duskfall 10
D O T Duskfall 10
Mystra Duskfall 10
Hookt on Fawnix Werks Duskfall 10
Joan of Ac Duskfall 10
Cancer Duskfall 10
Tinkle Duskfall 10
Tinkers Duskfall 10
Voxum Duskfall 10
Zarthose Duskfall 10
Laylyn Duskfall 14
Malcadence Duskfall 20
Zeik Duskfall 20
Aunt Sallie Duskfall 20
Shobusiness Duskfall 30
Stips VI Duskfall 30
Soot's Weapons Duskfall 30
Stips I Duskfall 30
Bb Duskfall 30
Ooolong Duskfall 30
Stips IX Duskfall 30
Stips V Duskfall 30
Aluvian Duskfall 30
Draco Malfoy Duskfall 30
Arwic Mule Duskfall 30
Falco Duskfall 30
Im Blue Duskfall 30
Me-Hou Duskfall 30
Moody E-Girl Duskfall 30
Uggo Supreme Duskfall 30
Harry Potter Duskfall 30
Fdsa Duskfall 30
Jamc Duskfall 30
Camb Duskfall 30
Asdasfadyhetraea Duskfall 30
Janmn Duskfall 30
A C Addict Duskfall 30
Jamb Duskfall 30
Camm Duskfall 30
Kjfkjkdf Duskfall 30
Jama Duskfall 30
Cama Duskfall 30
Cam Duskfall 30
Ibadeeabadie Duskfall 30
Joline Duskfall 30
Stpndi Duskfall 30
Polgara Duskfall 30
Parkey Duskfall 30
Synister Duskfall 30
Janneke Duskfall 30
Soot's Misc II Duskfall 30
Poline Duskfall 30
Jimm Duskfall 30
Dat guy Duskfall 30
Ranger Ops Duskfall 30
Test Duskfall 30
Undead ah Duskfall 50
Rott Tailor Duskfall 50
Stips VII Duskfall 50
Floaty Boi Duskfall 50
Soot's Misc Duskfall 50
Soot's Jewlery I Duskfall 50
Soot's Steel Duskfall 50
Rottmule I Duskfall 50
Worthless Duskfall 50
Soot's Armor II Duskfall 50
Soot's Armor I Duskfall 50
Stips II Duskfall 50
Soot Dump II Duskfall 50
The guy II Duskfall 50
The guy III Duskfall 50
Shofriends Duskfall 50
Stips III Duskfall 50
Salvatore Duskfall 50
Fdfdfdfd Duskfall 50
Dr dewinkles Duskfall 50
Darla Duskfall 50
Gear knight Duskfall 50
Felt Cute Might Delete Later Duskfall 50
Soot's Dump I Duskfall 50
Bob Downe Duskfall 50
Doc Ock Duskfall 50
Tinkypoop Duskfall 50
Arwic Mule II Duskfall 50
Unlikely Crocky Duskfall 50
Aaa Duskfall 50
Heaume Duskfall 50
Randonoob Duskfall 50
Depressed E-Boy Duskfall 50
Swirly Duskfall 50
Moon Duskfall 50
Yikdujkmdhg Duskfall 50