Ranking: Quickness (Base)

Server: Leafcull

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Quickness (Base)
Leonard Church Leafcull 10
Beenie's Jump Leafcull 10
Jorgen Alpha Leafcull 10
Soul's Mule Leafcull 10
Chirade's Mule Leafcull 10
Pink Dyer Leafcull 10
Black Whole Leafcull 10
Arwen of Rivendell Leafcull 10
Posix Alpha Leafcull 10
Virindi Preceptor Leafcull 10
Zero Swagger Leafcull 10
Elastoplast Leafcull 10
Lavernius Tucker Leafcull 10
Mathias the Don Leafcull 10
Bao Zamfufu Leafcull 10
Okami Shin Leafcull 10
Strange Storage Leafcull 10
Depot VI Leafcull 10
Mit Strongarm Leafcull 10
Diabla Leafcull 10
Rendit Leafcull 10
Arsenal VII Leafcull 10
Gold Gear Lesser Lord Leafcull 10
Traitor Joan Leafcull 10
Cano Comets Leafcull 10
Snake's Salvage Mule Leafcull 10
Arconian' Leafcull 10
Meepmeep Leafcull 10
Mage Of The Soul Leafcull 10
Arius Maximus Leafcull 10
Dexter Grif Leafcull 10
Virindi Overseer Leafcull 10
Orangeron Leafcull 10
Bank of Nicademous Leafcull 10
Beenie's Camel Leafcull 10
Draishar Leafcull 10
Salvage Silo Leafcull 10
Sanariah Leafcull 10
Depot V Leafcull 10
Tink-Trade Glen Leafcull 10
Franklin Donut Leafcull 10
Appraisemule Leafcull 10
Otto The Great Leafcull 10
Depot VII Leafcull 10
Wtstrongarm Leafcull 10
Atstrongarm Leafcull 10
Josh' Leafcull 10
Gold Gear Heavy Scout Leafcull 10
Arco III Leafcull 10
Crimsonn Void Leafcull 10
The Alchemst Leafcull 10
Arco II Leafcull 10
Mms Guy Leafcull 10
Vira al-Quain'ah Leafcull 10
Armor Bank Dos Leafcull 10
Arco IV Leafcull 10
Steel Knight Leafcull 10
Agent Maine Leafcull 10
Depraved Shadow Commander Leafcull 10
Phaest Leafcull 10
Tamwyn Leafcull 10
Elanac Troy Leafcull 10
Vanu's Tradebot Leafcull 10
Tungsten Knight Leafcull 10
Crimson Exchange Leafcull 10
Unforgiven Soul Leafcull 10
Drellia Leafcull 10
Leg-Mule Leafcull 10
Six Shot Leafcull 10
Michael Caboose Leafcull 10
Darkspiritmule Leafcull 10
Richard D Simmons Leafcull 10
The Movie Life Leafcull 10
Gabii Leafcull 10
Valeria The Impaler Leafcull 10
The kings of doom Leafcull 10
Shoshi Leafcull 10
Weapon Salvage Styx Leafcull 10
Nellia Sapphire Leafcull 10
Das Tinker Leafcull 10
Crimson Sell Leafcull 10
Arsenal V Leafcull 10
Gold Gear Knight Leafcull 10
Qualin Leafcull 10
Raester Leafcull 10
Ava's Mule XI Leafcull 10
Arsenal VI Leafcull 10
Sofe Leafcull 10
Eat It Leafcull 10
Traitor Joe Leafcull 10
Jtl Leafcull 10
Alka Mist Leafcull 10
Shadow Sorceress Leafcull 10
Brains Leafcull 10
Rauth is Ghey Leafcull 10
Blue Gharu Leafcull 10
Some Unning Leafcull 10
Guaire Alpha Leafcull 10
Asics Mule III Leafcull 10
Salvage Uno Leafcull 10