Ranking: Shield (Base)

Server: Hightide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Shield (Base)
A Floating Guy Hightide 526
Ardeiumplut Hightide 526
Monarchy Of Shin Hightide 526
The Red Mist Hightide 516
Vladimir Putin Hightide 513
Reaper Hightide 513
Social Hightide 510
Argaton Hightide 503
Supersaiyann Hightide 503
Coffee Hightide 503
Shin Tabatha Hightide 503
Spawn II Hightide 503
Shin shazz Hightide 503
McTank Hightide 499
Msn Ac Test Unit Hightide 498
Al-Booli Biotch Hightide 498
Weaver's Ua Hightide 498
Big Lots Hightide 498
Wiccan Witch Hightide 493
Blu Ballz Hightide 472
Midget in a Briefcase Hightide 470
The Black Mist Hightide 470
Fuhrer Hightide 469
Scary Terry Hightide 465
The Menace Hightide 451
Intoxiklown Hightide 450
Kinray Hightide 450
Captain Stupid Hightide 450
Grade I Hightide 448
Turd Ferguson Hightide 447
Lord Sesshomaru Hightide 443
Godly Powers Hightide 439
Sergeant Stupid Hightide 435
Lady Boy Hightide 434
Kaine XXVI Hightide 432
Porchmonkey Hightide 429
Shin Marty Hightide 427
Farcough Hightide 427
Bastian Hightide 424
Pms Rage Hightide 420
Random Heroes Hightide 418
Jedi Hightide 416
Manon Hightide 416
Elder Slug Hightide 415
Radiant Knight Hightide 415
Artilex Hightide 402
Sidamos Hightide 402
The Hound Hightide 400
Chan-Return of a Legend Hightide 397
Spawn Trade Hightide 395
Jhettski Hightide 385
Lunita Hightide 382
Nagi Hightide 381
Uncivilizedhack Hightide 375
Pms Revenge Hightide 375
Vermintide Hightide 373
Twistedspec Hightide 373
Yimmywoo Hightide 367
Demon Eyes Kyo Hightide 366
Winter Wind Hightide 364
Sonic Hightide 360
Alter Ego Hightide 360
Insayne Hightide 359
Fireface Hightide 350
Grade III Hightide 346
Nignogg Hightide 344
Chinese Monk Hightide 340
Devastator Hightide 335
Eric Bischoff Hightide 325
Frankenstein Hightide 324
Speed Ball Hightide 300
Thrill Kill Hightide 295
Arya Stark Hightide 295
Choden Juan Hightide 295
Legacy Hightide 290
Johnny Blaze Hightide 290
Yer Own Stupidity Hightide 290
Despised Hightide 290
Charlie Chan Hightide 290
Over Nine Thousand Hightide 290
Smurf Hightide 290
Papa Smurf Hightide 290
Drewdunker Hightide 290
Testnamechange Hightide 290
Lacoste Hightide 290
I Poke and go Ay Ay Hightide 290
Limeable Hightide 290
Tumerok Hightide 286
Stupid Idiot Hightide 285
Collin Phone Hightide 285
Sturm Brightblade Hightide 285
Chick with a Diick Hightide 285
One Trick Pony Hightide 281
Weapon tinker Hightide 281
Sugar Hightide 281
Arrows Might Hurt Hightide 280
The White Knight Hightide 279
Harbringer of Death Hightide 279
Jebus Hightide 278
Plache Hightide 276