Ranking: Stamina (Base)

Server: Seedsow

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Stamina (Base)
Westside Mage Seedsow 586
Ogsgirl Seedsow 550
Cephalopod Seedsow 486
Vanessa Seedsow 486
Nickels Seedsow 486
Cephalopod XVI Seedsow 486
Blossom Seedsow 486
Else Seedsow 486
Abigail Seedsow 486
Racnol Seedsow 486
Silencio Seedsow 486
Al-Buff Bot Seedsow 486
Marlena Seedsow 486
Lissa Seedsow 486
Cephalopod XI Seedsow 485
Maurice Patel Seedsow 476
Queen of the Coven Seedsow 469
Dragosun Seedsow 455
Ommin Seedsow 450
Cephtinks Seedsow 450
Kryptonite Seedsow 446
Mune Seedsow 445
Gehar Seedsow 445
Cephalopod XII Seedsow 430
Cephalopod XIV Seedsow 430
Anyanwu Seedsow 430
Captnhook Seedsow 426
Chaqello Seedsow 426
Asha'man Seedsow 425
Stumbles Seedsow 422
Chaqello II Seedsow 420
Chaotsu's Magma Golem Seedsow 420
For Seedsow 420
Cephalopod XIII Seedsow 420
Almightyredhead Seedsow 416
Ankou Seedsow 415
Gusmet Seedsow 415
Taran Seedsow 415
Spawn II Seedsow 415
Namtar Seedsow 414
Cephalopod V Seedsow 410
Cephalopod IV Seedsow 410
Cephalopod XV Seedsow 410
Howie Dewitt Seedsow 410
The Green Power Ranger Seedsow 405
Thunderthighs Seedsow 403
Olive Seedsow 401
Cephalopod IX Seedsow 400
Cephalopod VII Seedsow 400
Ser Jax Seedsow 400
Lijah Burgle Seedsow 400
Vanoni Seedsow 396
Savannah Seedsow 396
Ashley Seedsow 396
Chaqella II Seedsow 396
Chaqella III Seedsow 396
Daytona Seedsow 396
Cersei Lannister Seedsow 396
Shadow Wolf Seedsow 396
Sister Chanelle Seedsow 396
Arya Stark Seedsow 396
Father Abernathy Seedsow 396
Messer of Leafcull Seedsow 396
Elder Li Seedsow 396
Serafino Seedsow 396
Jaime Lannister Seedsow 396
Chaotsu Seedsow 396
Saint Ulrin Seedsow 396
The Blue Power Ranger Seedsow 395
Hakir Seedsow 391
Wizard Seedsow 390
Legends of Dereth Seedsow 390
Thunderdome Seedsow 390
Apache Rose Seedsow 390
Legend Seedsow 390
Cephalopea Seedsow 390
Fatal Mage Seedsow 390
Deib Seedsow 388
Narcotic Seedsow 385
Chaotsu's Mud Golem Seedsow 385
Haeth Seedsow 385
Ned Land Seedsow 381
Cedar Seedsow 380
Cephskills Seedsow 380
Doomcloud Seedsow 380
Terry Seedsow 380
Dionysus Seedsow 380
Messer's Battlemage Seedsow 380
Alero Seedsow 380
Dathi Seedsow 380
Steampimp Seedsow 380
Logan Seedsow 380
Arwic County Sheriff Seedsow 380
Doro Seedsow 380
Damar Seedsow 380
Mesaria of Leafcull Seedsow 379
Frenzyy Seedsow 377
Kurza Dune Seedsow 376
Uhul Seedsow 375
Fahad Seedsow 375