Ranking: Strength (Base)

Server: Levistras

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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Strength (Base)
Wolfsun's Salvage Levistras 290
Naiamule Levistras 290
Vi'tae Levistras 290
Turbo Levistras 290
Roquefort D'Fromage Levistras 290
Skeez Levistras 290
Full Metal Alchemist Levistras 290
Torrdin Wolfsun Levistras 290
Pyreheart Levistras 290
Alissa Grayblade Levistras 290
Ruadh Levistras 290
Abysmal Levistras 290
Zoso Levistras 290
Janella Levistras 290
Rogg Levistras 290
Fenix' Mule Levistras 290
Clav Levistras 290
The Burdened Levistras 290
Rusty Levistras 290
Alero Levistras 290
Kelris Levistras 290
Twitchy Levistras 290
Fenix' Bow Levistras 290
Fenn Rao Levistras 290
Advis Eveldan Levistras 290
Plazmade Levistras 290
Castum al-Blastum Levistras 290
Adrovar Wolfsun Levistras 290
Kvothe the Bloodless Levistras 290
Kasa Levistras 290
Kuroki Levistras 290
Locke Eveldan Levistras 290
Prohl Levistras 290
Eye Levistras 290
Valar Morghulis Levistras 290
Ms Bunn Levistras 290
Matty Pinkerton Levistras 290
Alchum al-Mashem Levistras 290
Raine Eveldan Levistras 290
Fayte Levistras 290
Polar Kraken Levistras 290
Rove Levistras 290
Gearbox Levistras 290
Electricalpaca Levistras 290
Alaya the Aluvian Hater Levistras 290
Pence the Crafter Levistras 290
Tinker Bell Levistras 290
Shokunin Levistras 290
Sina Roma Levistras 290
Careful the Tinker Levistras 290
Rhaegar Levistras 290
Dbbq Levistras 290
Marina Levistras 290
Carthar Levistras 290
Spectralpaca Levistras 290
Billob Levistras 290
Matty Tinkerton Levistras 290
Jesse Levistras 290
Nomaj Levistras 290
Fal Tink Levistras 290
Gynax Levistras 290
Yannin al Shoush Levistras 290
Prince of Chichester Levistras 290
Heafstaag Levistras 290
No Sweat Levistras 290
Blockum al-Sockum Levistras 290
Mrs Joneseh Levistras 290
Bashem al-Slashum Levistras 290
Adja the Blighted Levistras 290
Techie Levistras 290
Salhadur Dion Levistras 290
Wei Boyang Levistras 290
Grit Levistras 290
Joneseh Levistras 290
Turtles all the way down Levistras 290
Artificer Levistras 290
Gurd Levistras 290
Servus Levistras 290
Clav's Tinker Levistras 290
Beep Boop Levistras 290
Trader Liss Levistras 290
Wolfsun's Goodies Levistras 290
Doubledown Levistras 290
Pippy Levistras 290
Delasteve's Tinker Levistras 290
Kakashi Hatake Levistras 290
Hydro Levistras 290
Rylisa Levistras 290
Thumbtack Levistras 290
Randumb Levistras 290
Syward Ly'sun Levistras 290
Dim Levistras 290
Yumi Levistras 290
Marshmallow Levistras 290
Clockwork Levistras 290
Thinker Levistras 290
Cptalchy Levistras 290
Stormmaiden Levistras 290
Moonbeam Levistras 290
Misfit Levistras 290