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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
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Name Server Unassigned XP
Hdfhbdf Reefcull 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Mr Pin GDLE Test 9,223,372,032,655,324,750
Sera's Pack Mule Seedsow 9,223,372,028,815,898,517
San Miguel GDLE Test 9,223,372,016,071,013,312
Cmot GDLE Test 9,223,372,014,464,358,475
Tille GDLE Test 9,223,372,002,267,494,783
Mule I Athena 9,223,371,999,881,886,352
Salvage Depot Athena 9,223,371,974,658,972,532
Hulk Hogan GDLE Test 9,223,371,969,281,757,513
The Beyonder Vain's World 9,223,371,953,639,877,682
The Beyonder GDLE 9,223,371,953,639,877,682
Bad Manners Ispar 9,223,371,949,904,864,886
Third World Testing Ispar 9,223,371,937,134,565,398
Rapture GDLE Test 9,223,371,937,031,557,366
Illuminator GDLE 9,223,371,916,982,891,474
Marsha Marsha Marsha GDLE Test 9,223,371,866,959,011,794
Gsgf TestServer 5,000,000,000,000,011,000
Mule II Athena 999,999,963,027,110,544
Tinker Dan GDLE Test 999,999,941,804,699,091
Mawr Salvage Athena 999,999,912,581,282,904
Mule IV Athena 99,999,963,027,110,544
Steel III Athena 99,999,963,027,110,544
Medivez GDLE 99,999,921,195,593,908
Cephalopod Shadowsow 79,999,932,747,461,807
Cereal and Milk Ispar 29,999,900,257,409,895
Night Night Haven 10,626,041,704,447,925
Thrill PlusEvLocal 10,002,101,050,269,671
Portal I Athena 9,999,912,581,445,203
Moe the Mudder GDLE Test 9,999,908,636,217,927
Suntory GDLE Test 9,999,860,790,775,562
Inferi Vult GDLE Test 9,999,845,969,989,076
It the Mage ii GDLE Test 3,499,908,377,473,334
Jonny Bravo GDLE Test 999,998,687,029,435
Tailor I Athena 999,963,027,110,544
Victi GDLE 999,932,584,082,785
Victi GDLE Test 999,932,584,082,785
Sally Salvage Athena 999,916,785,101,874
Narko Frostcull 149,500,791,272,860
Haha Zoran 109,803,650,686,049
J Dawg GDLE 99,991,710,131,158
Steel II Athena 99,963,027,110,544
Silly Salvage Athena 99,963,027,110,544
Archertwo GDLE Test 99,872,894,617,758
Dimmie GDLE Test 99,071,273,168,098
Evermore DragonMoon 92,501,791,284,141
Harrine DragonMoon 92,501,791,284,141
Riptide Dom GDLE Test 69,946,418,559,729
Ded GDLE 51,529,810,481,936
Roogon M NoESCape 29,908,684,646,909
Roogon NoESCape 29,904,556,523,844
Shyster GDLE Test 14,665,048,533,779
Ozymandiasebon Reefcull 14,548,808,871,989
Dragosun Reefcull 13,483,329,935,390
Hulkbuster Reefcull 12,756,263,873,356
Son of Strange VII Reefcull 11,837,021,798,491
Hdfjghk TestServer 10,000,000,000,000
Mule VII Athena 9,963,027,110,544
Son of Strange V Reefcull 9,959,026,283,740
Lucky I VII GDLE Test 9,931,807,102,818
Archerone GDLE Test 9,869,104,113,442
Gorum Dah Reefcull 9,485,877,691,347
Ozy Mule Reefcull 9,311,677,708,549
Takla Makan Reefcull 9,050,506,295,726
Traveling Narcissist FunkyTEST 8,662,104,547,175
Havalina GDLE Test 8,062,188,140,720
Dobbins Ispar 7,902,173,437,466
Runewazaawazaah Reefcull 7,503,904,062,387
Maverick the Gambler Reefcull 7,420,222,453,260
Strange Magericks Reefcull 7,253,378,925,058
Rufus Grimes Reefcull 7,039,521,229,582
Don't A Void Me Reefcull 6,974,708,450,501
Runeblingbling Reefcull 6,647,207,100,069
Tinkarius InfiniteLeaftide 6,632,830,816,211
Son of Strange III Reefcull 6,577,857,201,589
Son of Strange VIII Reefcull 6,570,542,249,609
Son of Strange IX Reefcull 6,562,338,901,857
Raven McKage Reefcull 6,509,110,856,245
Runetakataka Reefcull 6,222,128,265,631
Runeboomboom Reefcull 5,840,599,275,963
Ozy's Gambler Reefcull 5,815,584,340,900
Testy GDLE 5,518,198,683,867
Runezoomzoom Reefcull 5,141,432,009,093
Runepoppop Reefcull 5,118,203,324,596
Son of Strange VI Reefcull 4,674,165,501,763
Son of Strange II Reefcull 4,502,115,499,301
Son of Strange IV Reefcull 4,491,492,799,469
Paternator Reefcull 4,419,446,574,998
Runereaper Reefcull 4,326,450,651,118
Magic D Armor Reefcull 4,267,766,673,756
Mage Recycler Reefcull 4,208,335,236,469
M A G E FunkyTown PK 4,168,663,056,251
Blackness Reefcull 4,075,667,993,666
Streak Stream Reefcull 3,900,201,302,263
Streak Stream GDLE Test 3,900,196,450,059
Five Finger Finesse Punch Reefcull 3,898,665,776,291
Fiasco Harvestbud 3,775,288,356,024
Runevroomvroom Reefcull 3,707,206,745,258
Runepoppop GDLET 3,637,319,110,326
Lillylou Reefcull 3,609,675,678,487
Ripper Reefcull 3,305,798,998,757