Ranking: Unassigned XP

Server: Morgentau

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Name Server Unassigned XP
Alchie Morgentau 21,161,368,484
Tinkie Morgentau 3,715,259,404
Gibbs Morgentau 1,579,081,923
Ziva Morgentau 1,440,950,790
Willi Morgentau 1,309,466,460
Saurons Schatten Morgentau 1,149,988,172
Dave III Morgentau 1,146,425,979
Stuart III Morgentau 1,094,793,350
Willibald Morgentau 1,052,845,519
Jerry III Morgentau 718,778,033
Hannibald Morgentau 668,474,527
Ron Morgentau 558,439,813
Hermine Morgentau 437,072,334
Carl III Morgentau 390,597,564
Harry Morgentau 376,190,838
Phil III Morgentau 305,353,597
Gand Morgentau 149,963,676
Zeke Morgentau 116,702,023
Shaad Bot Morgentau 76,199,544
Freddie Morgentau 75,852,434
Albric V Morgentau 73,634,049
Dobby Morgentau 64,032,259
Ginny Morgentau 61,769,112
Kevin III Morgentau 56,316,000
Hedwig Morgentau 47,771,542
Kevin Morgentau 32,817,003
Techie Morgentau 30,122,840
Ular Morgentau 24,891,807
Toni Morgentau 24,127,912
Shaad Morgentau 17,190,177
Dral Morgentau 13,437,437
Caitlin Morgentau 10,017,317
Kriemhild Morgentau 6,043,255
Siegfried Morgentau 5,988,218
Jerry Morgentau 5,332,641
Jerry II Morgentau 5,131,349
Carl II Morgentau 4,915,213
Ducky Morgentau 4,886,061
Kevin II Morgentau 4,665,893
Stuart Morgentau 4,234,138
Phil II Morgentau 3,488,546
Tom Morgentau 3,421,683
Stuart II Morgentau 2,892,261
Dave II Morgentau 2,658,983
Deera Morgentau 2,483,145
Etzel Morgentau 2,043,547
Brunhild Morgentau 2,037,692
Tim Morgentau 1,897,314
Hagen II Morgentau 1,833,862
Gunther Morgentau 1,594,758
Hagen Morgentau 1,580,703
Nick Morgentau 1,463,463
Siegfried II Morgentau 1,273,230
Brunhild II Morgentau 1,058,288
Carl Morgentau 1,014,809
Etzel II Morgentau 829,235
Phil Morgentau 782,572
Dave Morgentau 627,569
Scallywag Morgentau 606,533
Gunther II Morgentau 597,287
Kriemhild III Morgentau 411,204
Albric Morgentau 387,654
Siegfried III Morgentau 376,020
Albric IV Morgentau 218,546
Kriemhild II Morgentau 183,647
Sy'Den Morgentau 76,328
Albric II Morgentau 76,143
She Sho Morgentau 62,085
Zal-Mun-Na Morgentau 41,302
Wsche Mule I Morgentau 40,172
Pet Mule II Morgentau 40,172
Major Mule II Morgentau 40,172
Schleppi IX Morgentau 40,172
Mule Sal I Morgentau 40,172
Mule Sal II Morgentau 40,172
Mule Sal III Morgentau 40,172
Brunhild III Morgentau 40,172
Hagen III Morgentau 40,172
Lingrad the Traveller Morgentau 39,800
Mule Twohand Morgentau 39,800
Dantra Morgentau 39,800
Armed N Useless Morgentau 39,800
Mule Finnesse I Morgentau 39,800
Alloy Boy Morgentau 39,800
All Dat Salv Morgentau 39,418
Azhreghal Morgentau 29,583
Duke Galbaturix Morgentau 27,300
Albric III Morgentau 26,211
Roogon Morgentau 18,981
Grewaq Morgentau 11,000
Hubin It Morgentau 10,982
Schleppi X Morgentau 9,831
Major Mule IV Morgentau 9,831
Mule V Morgentau 9,831
Major Mule III Morgentau 9,831
Hermines Handtasche II Morgentau 9,831
Out Of Mana Morgentau 8,052
Alchie Mule II Morgentau 7,124
Tailor Tim Morgentau 7,124
Schleppmaster III Morgentau 2,459