Ranking: War Magic (Base)

Server: Asheron4Fun.com

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server War Magic (Base)
The One Asheron4Fun.com 381
Salty Queen Asheron4Fun.com 381
Miss Salty Asheron4Fun.com 381
Arwic Asheron4Fun.com 381
Friskyhobo Asheron4Fun.com 381
Rat Asheron4Fun.com 381
Gideon Asheron4Fun.com 381
Blastoise Asheron4Fun.com 381
Levitikus Asheron4Fun.com 381
Golden Asheron4Fun.com 381
Raine Asheron4Fun.com 381
Shared Asheron4Fun.com 381
Gelt Asheron4Fun.com 381
Jack Asheron4Fun.com 381
Scrillzar Asheron4Fun.com 381
Minch Asheron4Fun.com 381
Ellegon Asheron4Fun.com 381
Ma Asheron4Fun.com 381
Lord Kracker Asheron4Fun.com 381
Old Zizzler Asheron4Fun.com 381
Hailene Asheron4Fun.com 381
Proxima Asheron4Fun.com 381
Bulwark Asheron4Fun.com 373
Runningman Asheron4Fun.com 365
Rashima Asheron4Fun.com 360
The Unholy Mage Asheron4Fun.com 345
Tufty Asheron4Fun.com 340
Scrillz Express Asheron4Fun.com 340
Crusader Asheron4Fun.com 335
Azhreghal Asheron4Fun.com 312
Zara Asheron4Fun.com 296
Billy Asheron4Fun.com 287
Lyonn Hawke Asheron4Fun.com 280
Ethereal Asheron4Fun.com 275
Epicss Asheron4Fun.com 275
Warhawke Asheron4Fun.com 275
Shaad Asheron4Fun.com 273
Desertwalker Asheron4Fun.com 265
Epicsss Asheron4Fun.com 265
The Goddess Asheron4Fun.com 260
Light Asheron4Fun.com 260
Tombprincess Asheron4Fun.com 259
Owari Kitabta Asheron4Fun.com 247
Darken Hawke Asheron4Fun.com 244
Ichijo Otomo Asheron4Fun.com 229
Zeven Asheron4Fun.com 225
Testermage Asheron4Fun.com 220
Salty Kracker Asheron4Fun.com 218
Twitchy Asheron4Fun.com 210
Jjmage Asheron4Fun.com 205
Fatal Mage Asheron4Fun.com 205
Shaman Asheron4Fun.com 190
Drie Asheron4Fun.com 150
Zestien Asheron4Fun.com 145
Duke Megatorix Asheron4Fun.com 109
Negen Asheron4Fun.com 103
Een Asheron4Fun.com 96
Negentien Asheron4Fun.com 95
Frisky Hobo Asheron4Fun.com 93
Al Noobie Asheron4Fun.com 85
Veertien Asheron4Fun.com 83
Void Walker Asheron4Fun.com 80
Roogon Asheron4Fun.com 63
Hojo Imagawa Asheron4Fun.com 62
Nightshade Asheron4Fun.com 61
Nuclear Magic Asheron4Fun.com 60
Dee Asheron4Fun.com 60
Avoidance Asheron4Fun.com 60
Blackthantos Asheron4Fun.com 60
Al Nubie Asheron4Fun.com 60
Panicmage Asheron4Fun.com 60
Sunny Asheron4Fun.com 60
Polgara Asheron4Fun.com 60
Tycel Asheron4Fun.com 60
White Tiger Asheron4Fun.com 60
Trees Asheron4Fun.com 60
Tallas Asheron4Fun.com 60
Livewire Asheron4Fun.com 60
Protix Asheron4Fun.com 60
Hoggie The Mule Asheron4Fun.com 60
Test the chest Asheron4Fun.com 60
Tuscan Ranger Asheron4Fun.com 58
Shadow Otter Asheron4Fun.com 55
Sv Cdx Asheron4Fun.com 55
Trendol Asheron4Fun.com 55
Hot Lips Asheron4Fun.com 55
Lrd Protix Asheron4Fun.com 55
Blast Mule One Asheron4Fun.com 0
Test subject Asheron4Fun.com 0
Techie Asheron4Fun.com 0
Poledra Asheron4Fun.com 0
Dralaco Asheron4Fun.com 0
Amuli Mule-y Asheron4Fun.com 0
Zalak Asheron4Fun.com 0
Dantra Asheron4Fun.com 0
Got Dat Fo Sho Asheron4Fun.com 0
Nydilligan Asheron4Fun.com 0
Razogi Asheron4Fun.com 0
Zabi Asheron4Fun.com 0
Junk Drawer Asheron4Fun.com 0