Ranking: War Magic (Base)

Server: Frostcull

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server War Magic (Base)
Merlin the Mage Frostcull 381
Bethea Frostcull 381
Golden God Frostcull 381
War Ronsolo II Frostcull 381
Vixen Frostcull 381
Blue Shade Frostcull 360
Endromina Frostcull 346
Layfairer Frostcull 340
Vander Sedai Frostcull 322
Abbysmal Frostcull 320
Full Self-Casting Frostcull 310
Autonomous Magical Frostcull 310
Adiv Frostcull 302
Semicerious Frostcull 300
Cpl Cheekclappening Frostcull 295
Rainmon Frostcull 290
Robotism Frostcull 270
Automationist Frostcull 270
A summary of the choices made so Frostcull 258
Zak Frostcull 258
Gia Zia Frostcull 250
Xefron Frostcull 240
Cloudy de War Frostcull 213
Danomus Frostcull 210
Scryer Frostcull 200
Reborn Mage Frostcull 195
Takami Okami Frostcull 167
Lightsong Frostcull 164
Roger Smith Frostcull 160
Boomhauer Frostcull 160
Alyane Frostcull 155
Jjmage Frostcull 120
Venom Frostcull 113
Redbringer II Frostcull 110
Nic Frostcull 101
Acid Aetheria Frostcull 93
Starlight Frostcull 83
Sheer Frostcull 83
Rael Isdan Frostcull 61
Titanicus Mattekar Portal Frostcull 61
Boy boy IV Frostcull 60
Ma IV Frostcull 60
X Frostcull 60
Ni rank boost six Frostcull 60
Sherpa Derp IV Frostcull 60
Ni rank boost four Frostcull 60
K Ni chain eight Frostcull 60
K Ni chain three Frostcull 60
Hv II Frostcull 60
K Ni chain two Frostcull 60
Buzzs three Frostcull 60
Hv V Frostcull 60
Hv I Frostcull 60
K ni chain seven Frostcull 60
Zed III Frostcull 60
M Pusher XXIV Frostcull 60
M Pusher XVII Frostcull 60
M Pusher XII Frostcull 60
Ma VII Frostcull 60
Ma I Frostcull 60
Ma VIII Frostcull 60
Rh Ni xp boost one Frostcull 60
M Pusher IX Frostcull 60
Ni rank three boost Frostcull 60
Ma IX Frostcull 60
K Ni chain four Frostcull 60
K Ni chain five Frostcull 60
K Ni chain six Frostcull 60
Hv IV Frostcull 60
Zosi Frostcull 60
Whoeytempvii Frostcull 60
Mpusher XXI Frostcull 60
Mpusher XVII Frostcull 60
Co XVI Frostcull 60
Xl II Frostcull 60
M Pusher XXVII Frostcull 60
Ukfk Frostcull 60
M Pusher XV Frostcull 60
Asdaf Frostcull 60
M Pusher VIII Frostcull 60
Xainth Frostcull 60
Lolister Frostcull 60
Mpusher IV Frostcull 60
Mpusher V Frostcull 60
Mpusher I Frostcull 60
Lucky Holder V Frostcull 60
Mpusher VI Frostcull 60
Lucky Holder IX Frostcull 60
Priestest of Ni Frostcull 60
Death of Ni Frostcull 60
Star of Ni Frostcull 60
Spite of Ni Frostcull 60
Xl IV Frostcull 60
Arp Frostcull 60
Mpusher XII Frostcull 60
Bright of Ni Frostcull 60
Lucky Holder III Frostcull 60
Altoid the Wise Frostcull 60
Clown of Ni Frostcull 60
Dadevil of Ni Frostcull 60