Ranking: War Magic (Base)

Server: Frostfell

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server War Magic (Base)
Bed Bug Eater Frostfell 381
Ninwawa Frostfell 381
Kovarri Frostfell 381
Special People Frostfell 381
Red halo Frostfell 381
Smoochiez Frostfell 381
Evil-Lady Frostfell 381
Lil Porcie Frostfell 381
Magicfox Frostfell 381
One Eyed Willy Frostfell 381
Dark lady the threelagbird Frostfell 381
Snakewomann Frostfell 381
Duskfalcon Frostfell 381
The Baron Frostfell 381
Wattson Frostfell 381
Ryhme Mage Frostfell 381
Ice' Mage Frostfell 381
Vampiress Frostfell 381
Greegan's slave Frostfell 381
Sickly Wisp Frostfell 381
Health Burn Frostfell 381
Ladri Frostfell 381
Mmj Frostfell 381
Bivara Frostfell 381
Nucking Futz Frostfell 381
Xybersoul Frostfell 381
Pirates of Dereth Frostfell 381
Sazarliquan Frostfell 381
Kahldrax Frostfell 381
Vivan Ward Frostfell 381
Gone's Mage Frostfell 381
Army of me Frostfell 381
War Pheonix Frostfell 381
Magik Master Frostfell 381
Lows Mage Frostfell 381
Dammuth Frostfell 381
Dininy Frostfell 381
Armys Mage Frostfell 381
Void Dagle Frostfell 381
Zenfal Frostfell 381
Umadcuzubad Frostfell 381
Wadi Frostfell 381
Lil' Missie Frostfell 381
Enkazin Asha'man Frostfell 381
Antebellum Frostfell 381
Daggoroth Frostfell 381
Moularaz Frostfell 381
Randig Frostfell 381
Teldir Frostfell 381
Brota Frostfell 381
Souls of Reality Frostfell 381
Decade Frostfell 381
Snakemann Frostfell 381
Nerd Golem Frostfell 381
War ibn-Kronikjames Frostfell 381
Dazil Frostfell 381
Colin Claytor Frostfell 381
Xaratoreth Frostfell 381
Cihaya The Chosen Frostfell 381
Eldgrim Frostfell 381
Kadwyn Frostfell 381
Adnan Reborn Frostfell 381
Oz Shadow Frostfell 381
Muadip The Wisist Frostfell 381
Sai Mishrak Frostfell 381
Depravity Frostfell 381
Azarian Frostfell 381
Zahldrin Frostfell 381
Twitchyfox Frostfell 381
Access Denied Frostfell 381
Zachary Claytor Frostfell 381
Super Og Frostfell 381
Cryptix Frostfell 381
Conoen Frostfell 381
A Twinker Frostfell 381
Vice Duke of Rithwic Frostfell 381
A Sorcerer Frostfell 381
Dagle Bm Frostfell 381
Grogimus Frostfell 381
Tenzig Norgay IV Frostfell 381
Ping Gow Frostfell 381
Dagle Chi-Cuk Frostfell 381
Tenzig Norgay II Frostfell 381
Monica Bellucci Frostfell 381
Ren Gildaugh Frostfell 381
Rolanazar Frostfell 381
Dyran' Frostfell 381
Ghost medic Frostfell 381
Frozen Rose Frostfell 381
Uhhu Frostfell 381
Kazarri Frostfell 381
Mankle I I I Frostfell 381
Narahliz Frostfell 381
So Rak of Koryo Frostfell 381
Fay Mui War Frostfell 381
Chessboxmystery Frostfell 381
Killer Rage Frostfell 381
Porcelina Frostfell 381
Grindr Frostfell 381
Beale Frostfell 381