Ranking: War Magic (Base)

Server: Leafcull

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server War Magic (Base)
Dark-Sapphire Leafcull 381
Elocin Mage Leafcull 381
Baku Leafcull 381
Shaz Leafcull 381
Chimez II Leafcull 381
Rachael Leafcull 381
Mrs Gandalf the Gray' Leafcull 381
War Pheonix Leafcull 381
Crixus Leafcull 381
Ramec's Best Leafcull 381
Blazing Sun Leafcull 381
Nazgoth Leafcull 381
Athalia Leafcull 381
Seedstorm Leafcull 381
Jaguar Leafcull 381
Fatal Mage Leafcull 381
Shlarisha Leafcull 381
Lothnar Leafcull 381
Lawnalashia Leafcull 381
Bel'auc Leafcull 381
N H K Leafcull 381
Tannus the Wise Leafcull 381
Shevy Leafcull 381
Chingue Leafcull 381
Strange Magericks Leafcull 381
Torn Evangelist Leafcull 381
The Blessing Leafcull 381
Simon Cowell Leafcull 381
Survivorr Leafcull 381
Son of Flacco Leafcull 381
Serpentine Knight Leafcull 381
Shadow-touched Virindi Paradox Leafcull 381
Ullysses Leafcull 381
Avanaru Leafcull 381
J-A-G Leafcull 381
Long joey Leafcull 381
Lilly Foot Leafcull 381
Uncle Jamima Leafcull 381
Dark-Spirits Leafcull 381
Nexus Leafcull 381
Baku Baku Leafcull 381
Glembidar Leafcull 381
Sell Sun Bloo Leafcull 381
Skystrider Leafcull 381
Ranthera Leafcull 381
Louhi Leafcull 381
Google' Leafcull 381
Samil Mi Leafcull 381
Lug du Flicker Leafcull 381
Tiny Jedi Leafcull 381
Maa Leafcull 381
Mori Kali Leafcull 381
Marlboro Guy Leafcull 381
McWomble Leafcull 381
Butterflygolem Leafcull 381
Thief of Souls Leafcull 381
Starcrusher Leafcull 381
Immortal-Dragon Leafcull 381
Faith al-Dux Leafcull 381
Starsurfer Leafcull 381
Sholdem Leafcull 381
Kol Alchemy Leafcull 381
Shen Lorado Leafcull 381
Tisa I I I Leafcull 381
Firebird II Leafcull 381
Vanu Leafcull 381
Avanarah Leafcull 381
Kevin's Mage Leafcull 381
Red Jade Leafcull 381
Dark-Amethyst Leafcull 381
Chirade I Leafcull 381
Bachus Leafcull 381
Gandalf the gray' Leafcull 381
Beenie' Leafcull 381
Pink Passion Leafcull 381
Cunning Black Man Leafcull 381
Gandalf ibn Coz Leafcull 381
Dichotomy Leafcull 381
Chimez VIII Leafcull 381
Midgar the Marauder Leafcull 378
Shencalhar Leafcull 377
Rheal Leafcull 375
Maxim Leafcull 371
Lil Darlin Leafcull 371
Anteros Leafcull 363
White Lion Leafcull 361
Fire Sapphire Leafcull 361
Dennisse Leafcull 361
Brooks II Leafcull 360
Minthe Leafcull 360
Cadence II Leafcull 360
Samil Vs II Leafcull 360
Asics II Leafcull 360
Wrath of Styx Leafcull 359
Mystic's Wizard Leafcull 356
Wht trash Beautifull Leafcull 355
Edward Elric Hohenheim Leafcull 355
Sub's Occultist Leafcull 354
Buff me up Scotty Leafcull 353
Mori Tsubaki Leafcull 353