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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
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Name Server Birth
Eyrea Coldeve 0021-09-11 05:23:54 UTC
Shou-yin Coldeve 0021-09-11 07:04:04 UTC
Bismuth Coldeve 0021-09-17 10:06:47 UTC
Bowme Coldeve 0021-09-18 02:31:18 UTC
Shayd Coldeve 0021-09-18 05:59:17 UTC
Dark Karen Coldeve 0021-09-21 06:56:32 UTC
Packer II Coldeve 0021-09-25 07:28:37 UTC
Packer I Coldeve 0021-10-01 03:53:08 UTC
Master Clutch Coldeve 0021-10-01 07:05:04 UTC
Clutch Driver Coldeve 0021-10-10 07:35:40 UTC
Dasum Bowshi Coldeve 0021-10-14 10:42:29 UTC
Imbue Salvage Mule Coldeve 0021-10-16 06:38:18 UTC
Armor Salvage Mule I Coldeve 0021-10-16 07:33:32 UTC
Weapon Salvage Tinker I Coldeve 0021-10-16 08:29:10 UTC
Boehner Coldeve 0021-10-24 09:48:52 UTC
Packer III Coldeve 0021-11-11 07:04:14 UTC
Zentil Infinite AC 0021-11-22 09:51:34 UTC
Bartlor Infinite AC 0021-11-22 09:52:31 UTC
Yodo Levistras 0021-12-15 22:53:13 UTC
Nonq Levistras 0021-12-15 23:30:51 UTC
Yodo Infinite Frosthaven 0022-04-10 21:07:11 UTC
Zentiler Infinite Frosthaven 0022-04-10 21:20:46 UTC
Zentil Infinite Frosthaven 0022-04-10 21:21:06 UTC
Nephthy Infinite Frosthaven 0022-04-17 23:26:04 UTC
Yupa Frostcull 0022-04-23 19:10:47 UTC
Yupaa Frostcull 0022-04-23 19:14:45 UTC
Yups Frostcull 0022-04-23 19:16:16 UTC
Yeaaah Frostcull 0022-04-23 19:18:37 UTC
Sinner Frostcull 0022-04-23 19:21:36 UTC
Itshappening Frostcull 0022-04-23 19:53:41 UTC
Sryver Frostcull 0022-04-23 19:58:58 UTC
Resetmademedoit Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:07:30 UTC
Yas Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:20:32 UTC
Yass Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:23:21 UTC
Yis Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:32:58 UTC
Yus Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:35:37 UTC
Yuup Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:38:56 UTC
Wasntme Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:40:38 UTC
Yasss Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:43:22 UTC
Naah Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:56:29 UTC
Wasnme Frostcull 0022-04-23 20:58:03 UTC
Rrqwe Frostcull 0022-04-23 21:04:30 UTC
LaStbutnotleast Frostcull 0022-04-23 21:10:00 UTC
Muli Infinite Frosthaven 0022-05-03 19:01:44 UTC
Yodo Fathomless Refuge 0022-09-26 21:39:18 UTC
Nonq VII Fathomless Refuge 0022-09-27 18:47:44 UTC
Sirholdmashtuff Fathomless Refuge 0022-10-15 22:53:32 UTC
Biggums Fathomless Refuge 0022-10-17 00:50:49 UTC
Her Dorkness Infinite Frosthaven 0022-10-17 02:10:02 UTC
Dorkness Infinite Frosthaven 0022-10-17 05:31:33 UTC
Middlemen Frostcull 0022-11-06 02:37:35 UTC
Dot Frostcull 0022-11-08 08:53:47 UTC
Sdasda Frostcull 0022-11-08 19:29:10 UTC
Ghgfhfghfg Frostcull 0022-11-15 20:40:32 UTC
Asdasdfgfdg Frostcull 0022-11-15 20:41:45 UTC
Asdasdghj Frostcull 0022-11-15 20:42:56 UTC
Hgfhfgfhg Frostcull 0022-11-15 20:44:06 UTC
Asdgjk Frostcull 0022-11-15 20:45:13 UTC
Jhgjyt Frostcull 0022-11-15 20:46:19 UTC
Gfhfghfgh Frostcull 0022-11-15 21:33:23 UTC
Ghjghjghgj Frostcull 0022-11-15 23:24:30 UTC
Ghjghjghjg Frostcull 0022-11-15 23:58:12 UTC
Ghjghjghjgh Frostcull 0022-11-16 00:25:43 UTC
Robbin'da Hood Frostcull 0022-11-29 23:07:22 UTC
Robbin hoodz Frostcull 0022-11-29 23:19:33 UTC
Bot Frostcull 0022-11-29 23:23:40 UTC
Shots Frostcull 0023-01-08 19:40:11 UTC
Dorkness Arcane Sanctum 0024-01-14 21:03:05 UTC
Dorkness DopamineAC 0024-01-14 21:03:05 UTC
Dorker Arcane Sanctum 0024-01-18 01:06:17 UTC
Valhalla Morningthaw 1999-10-31 11:51:04 UTC
Methos Morningthaw 1999-10-31 11:57:30 UTC
Viking Morningthaw 1999-10-31 12:05:25 UTC
Fates Harvestgain 1999-11-01 13:00:18 UTC
Ashtoreth Frostfell 1999-11-01 14:21:48 UTC
Rosa Morningthaw 1999-11-02 22:43:53 UTC
Porom Morningthaw 1999-11-02 22:46:11 UTC
Brenna Leafcull 1999-11-03 00:59:33 UTC
Starcrusher Leafcull 1999-11-03 01:08:35 UTC
Min Ling Morningthaw 1999-11-03 03:40:11 UTC
Cyberkiller Frostfell 1999-11-03 04:03:19 UTC
Xavier Dreux Darktide 1999-11-03 04:25:43 UTC
Whitey Morningthaw 1999-11-03 06:00:11 UTC
Tasher Morningthaw 1999-11-03 08:23:51 UTC
Akbar Leafcull 1999-11-03 08:56:21 UTC
Tasher's Mule Morningthaw 1999-11-03 09:22:44 UTC
Arcimites Orion Morningthaw 1999-11-03 23:01:47 UTC
Powerslave Morningthaw 1999-11-04 04:47:50 UTC
Verio Thistledown 1999-11-04 05:13:50 UTC
Onisama Frostfell 1999-11-04 06:08:14 UTC
Mad Cow Leafcull 1999-11-04 07:16:18 UTC
Trell'dem Frostfell 1999-11-04 07:49:34 UTC
Punjabi Morningthaw 1999-11-05 00:05:52 UTC
Shaw Mishrak Frostfell 1999-11-05 02:28:59 UTC
Namxas Thistledown 1999-11-05 02:36:52 UTC
Kyle The Quick Leafcull 1999-11-05 08:26:24 UTC
Heldon Orion Morningthaw 1999-11-06 17:09:25 UTC
Duskfalcon Frostfell 1999-11-07 11:27:08 UTC
Lonewulf Leafcull 1999-11-08 00:36:09 UTC
Demigod Frostfell 1999-11-09 04:38:42 UTC