Ranking: Deaths

Server: Frostfell

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server Deaths
Drunk Al-Night Frostfell 5,867
Mr Baker II Frostfell 3,539
Evil-Lady Frostfell 3,342
Army of me Frostfell 2,297
Wattson Frostfell 2,294
Gone's Mage Frostfell 2,250
Jean Lafitte Frostfell 2,243
Wattsontwo Frostfell 1,840
G' Frostfell 1,723
Dyran' Frostfell 1,717
Super Og Frostfell 1,691
Monica Bellucci Frostfell 1,687
Oompa Loompa Frostfell 1,574
Lil' Missie Frostfell 1,470
Pierre Lafitte Frostfell 1,447
Greegan's slave Frostfell 1,377
Dininy Frostfell 1,186
Drunk Irish Gimp Frostfell 1,180
Grettirsm Frostfell 1,102
Porcelina Frostfell 1,072
Rimmer Leah Frostfell 1,034
Corvus Aestheir Frostfell 1,029
Durzo Blint Frostfell 1,023
Wannabe Frostfell 1,002
Dagle ibn Dos Frostfell 956
Snakemann Frostfell 946
Mr'Magic Frostfell 945
Duskfalcon Frostfell 913
Shadow Tamer Frostfell 848
Muadip The Wisist Frostfell 838
Access Denied Frostfell 823
Niknak-Og-Attack Frostfell 764
I own you-all jr Frostfell 761
U come to Moe Frostfell 714
Grog's Gearhead Frostfell 698
America's Most Wanted Frostfell 673
Demigod Frostfell 672
Special People Frostfell 670
Ashtoreth Frostfell 654
Dal Vingwar Frostfell 636
Grog' Frostfell 631
Oz Pk Frostfell 629
Mmj Frostfell 607
Lilith Kull Frostfell 579
Faldmar Frostfell 574
Umadcuzubad Frostfell 565
El-Der Frostfell 560
Conoen Frostfell 556
Genauigkeit Frostfell 551
Austin of Stone Cold Frostfell 547
Lil' Miss Swords Frostfell 545
Uhhu Frostfell 528
Rude Roland Frostfell 524
Arkaina Frostfell 523
Harry Bootay Frostfell 515
Felixx Frostfell 511
Adnan Reborn Frostfell 505
Akuma Bokuhi Frostfell 497
Frozen Rose Frostfell 483
Grogimus Frostfell 470
Eby Frostfell 454
Steinamagic Frostfell 445
Charlie Brown Frostfell 440
Hawk-Crave Frostfell 439
Enkidu of the Storm Frostfell 426
Gareth the Wanderer Frostfell 426
Vesica Frostfell 421
Tabun Frostfell 417
Keith the Strong Frostfell 409
The Devil's Own Frostfell 408
Onisama Frostfell 395
Nerf Golem Frostfell 390
Sparrhawk Frostfell 387
Sword of Lost Light Frostfell 386
A Sorcerer Frostfell 378
Hiero-Gena Frostfell 376
The Mistress Frostfell 368
Zahldrin Frostfell 366
Catherine Zeta-Jones Frostfell 362
The Great Solo Frostfell 360
Darkside of Frostfell Frostfell 359
Anether Grog Frostfell 359
Ninwa-Dagger Frostfell 358
Xephyr Frostfell 350
Evil Mistezz Frostfell 347
Asheevi Frostfell 344
Evil Sandman Frostfell 344
Mr Fizzles Frostfell 342
Babi Gurl Frostfell 342
Kolthar Frostfell 340
Randig Frostfell 335
Slapaho II Frostfell 333
Daggorath Frostfell 332
Mike Tiezane Frostfell 330
Munjed in the Oomp Frostfell 330
Brenton fairweather Frostfell 322
Lows Mage Frostfell 322
Souls of Reality Frostfell 315
Kadwyn Frostfell 313
Marburg Frostfell 313