Ranking: Light Weapons (Base)

Server: Levistras

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Light Weapons (Base)
No Sweat Levistras 429
Grit Levistras 429
Ms Bunn Levistras 429
Al Umber Ironside Levistras 429
Roquefort D'Fromage Levistras 429
Fenix' Mule Levistras 424
Answering the Call Levistras 419
Beep Boop Levistras 416
Castum al-Blastum Levistras 416
Blacksmith Sk Levistras 416
Beer Wench Levistras 407
Artificer Levistras 388
Fal Tink Levistras 385
Moonbeam Levistras 374
Salvage Dealer Levistras 363
Mandalore Levistras 360
Tinkum al-Craftum Levistras 357
Tazika Levistras 354
Brazyn Levistras 353
Alchum al-Mashem Levistras 353
Ayaya Levistras 350
Eastham Trading Co Levistras 350
Gearmaster Levistras 350
The Other Salvage Guy Levistras 349
Ruby Levistras 340
Heaf's Assistant Levistras 340
Full Metal Alchemist Levistras 338
Heaf's Donkey Levistras 330
Hc Grooo Eight Levistras 326
Sbv V Levistras 326
Zack Levistras 325
Golden Gromnie Girl Levistras 322
Scharnhorst Levistras 320
Trophy Wife Levistras 320
Trophy Husband Levistras 317
Salvage Lord Levistras 316
Salvage Knight Levistras 314
Salvage Peasant Levistras 302
Al Quuz The Samurai Levistras 301
Salvguard Levistras 301
The Lizard Levistras 300
Salvage King Levistras 300
Adelleda Levistras 290
Ruffian Levistras 287
Chef Emeril Levistras 263
Minus Tide Levistras 260
Salvage Peon Levistras 260
Curb Levistras 257
Nisshoku Levistras 250
Tutumerok Levistras 250
Sneakypete Levistras 242
Jupiter Levistras 238
Bag Piper Levistras 238
Suppli Tink Levistras 212
Emerson of Elm Levistras 210
Carl the Black Levistras 203
Abby Normal Levistras 201
Bult Levistras 200
Hydro Levistras 193
Gurd Levistras 193
Billob Levistras 193
Nimbex Levistras 193
Janella Levistras 193
Gynax Levistras 193
Kakashi Hatake Levistras 193
Kvothe the Bloodless Levistras 193
Attk Levistras 193
Kasa Levistras 193
Abysmal Levistras 193
Nomaj Levistras 193
Big Moose Levistras 193
Randumb Levistras 193
Marshmallow Levistras 193
Dbbq Levistras 193
Antihealth Levistras 193
Carthar Levistras 193
Locke Eveldan Levistras 193
Jesse Levistras 193
Flashfire Levistras 193
Fenix' Bow Levistras 193
Delasteve's Two Hander Levistras 193
Pyreheart Levistras 193
Procrit Levistras 193
Clav Levistras 193
Madpeky Levistras 193
Cptjohnson Levistras 193
Palliator Levistras 193
Avelox Levistras 193
Eye Levistras 193
Al Dread Chevaird Ganok Levistras 193
Rhaegar Levistras 193
Prince of Chichester Levistras 193
Pippy Levistras 193
Kuroki Levistras 193
Fayte Levistras 193
Clockwork Levistras 193
Bashem al-Slashum Levistras 193
Alero Levistras 193
Joneseh Levistras 193
Prohl Levistras 193