Ranking: Times Enlightened

Server: Emulators

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Asheron4Fun.com Buadren AC Coldeve Dekarutide Derptide Doctide DragonMoon Drunkenfell Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test Harvestbud Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering The Tower Thistlecrown Whiting

Name Server Times Enlightened
Doug Derptide 20
Ailsa Infinite Frosthaven 19
The End Infinite Frosthaven 17
Mucinel Infinite Frosthaven 14
Lil Ghostly InfiniteLeaftide 11
Von Buadren AC 10
To Bad So Sad Doctide 10
Lucian Buadren AC 10
Trade Of Chiron Derptide 10
Alaric Buadren AC 10
Lifestone Express Doctide 10
Deity Arokh Infinite Frosthaven 10
Zen Ko Buadren AC 10
Fictitious Reality Buadren AC 10
Big Busty Buadren AC 10
To bad So Sad Doctide 10
Mentel Mage Doctide 9
Ceballos InfiniteLeaftide 8
Avoid Derptide 7
Sakura Woo InfiniteLeaftide 7
Melkoras InfiniteLeaftide 7
Slurpin' Milkers Doctide 7
Blastoise Derptide 7
Robin Hood Derptide 7
Hairy Assed Hoebag Doctide 7
Morigoto InfiniteLeaftide 6
Che de Pa Sundering 5
Kagula Drunkenfell 5
Dirty Little Void Coldeve 5
Billob Levistras 5
Clav Levistras 5
Betty Cooper Levistras 5
Jaxa Drunkenfell 5
Alissa Levistras 5
Cptchopper Levistras 5
Above The Waves Levistras 5
Fomoire ibn Black Coldeve 5
Fear Effect Thistlecrown 5
Veronica Levistras 5
Sinned Coldeve 5
Gones Coldeve 5
Hippie Chick Drunkenfell 5
Hangman InfiniteLeaftide 5
Harli Quinn Coldeve 5
Borwyson Drunkenfell 5
Vidi Sundering 5
Borwych Drunkenfell 5
Emiya Drunkenfell 5
Atamagaokashii Buadren AC 5
Delasteve Levistras 5
Secutor Drunkenfell 5
Xavnel Drunkenfell 5
K R I E G Thistlecrown 5
Batman Lord Thistlecrown 5
Elmer Fudd Sundering 5
Megumin Drunkenfell 5
Bok Fu Do Drunkenfell 5
Roar Heavy Coldeve 5
Kuku Drunkenfell 5
Tacito Drunkenfell 5
Dipper Sundering 5
Careful the Clever Levistras 5
Killer Templar Coldeve 5
Manbearpig Drunkenfell 5
Gun Jack Thistlecrown 5
Anita Heal Levistras 5
Archie Levistras 5
Advis Eveldan Levistras 5
Dreamtaker Sundering 5
Raile Drunkenfell 5
Buckingham Coldeve 5
Maniaxe Drunkenfell 5
Iron Beagle Thistlecrown 5
Gawainx Drunkenfell 5
Roki Sundering 5
Sachiel Johan Sundering 5
Roxi Sundering 5
Rodwel Levistras 5
Veni Sundering 5
Vici Sundering 5
Asfera Thistlecrown 5
Magic Missile Coldeve 5
Burning Archer Coldeve 5
Thabor the Arm Buadren AC 5
Smoki Sundering 5
Ninety-nine Problems Levistras 5
Nanoha Levistras 5
Tearbringer Drunkenfell 5
Sapphica Doctide 5
Gearbox Levistras 5
Fenix Levistras 5
Swon Levistras 5
Odysseus Drunkenfell 5
Papag Coldeve 5
Sobrukai Thistlecrown 5
The Boogeyman Sundering 5
Orlaith Sundering 5
Hare Pi Levistras 5
Platinum Drunkenfell 5
Dr Strange Sundering 4