Player tracking for Turbine's Asheron's Call

Characters with title: Warrior

Name Server
Dekuro ACEmulator
Dark Schneidr BartleSkeetHG
Bo'Ri Cho Daralet
Erushi Daralet
Roogon Daralet
Catherine Zeta-Jones Darktide
Blastoise Derptide
Chiron Derptide
Raxon' Va Derptide
Shell of Novarax Derptide
Test adae bank Derptide
Void Where Prohibited Derptide
Tiny Wang Derptopia
Anomander Rake DragonMoon
Bat Girl DragonMoon
Bat Woman DragonMoon
Batman Lord DragonMoon
Bone Collector DragonMoon
Bunny hop DragonMoon
E Rec Sean DragonMoon
Efin DragonMoon
Efinheck DragonMoon
Extreme Shannon DragonMoon
Fizzlepop DragonMoon
Fling DragonMoon
Go DragonMoon
Icarus DragonMoon
Jasper DragonMoon
Kallistos DragonMoon
Kallistos II DragonMoon
Kallistos III DragonMoon
Kallivoid DragonMoon
Kallystos DragonMoon
Karsa DragonMoon
Nerf Golem DragonMoon
Oaken DragonMoon
Orb Weaver DragonMoon
Orbella DragonMoon
Orbital DragonMoon
Playboy Bunny DragonMoon
Red Hot DragonMoon
Salvage Examiner DragonMoon
Scarey Mary DragonMoon
Terrin Logoth DragonMoon
Test-Twohander DragonMoon
Test-pusher DragonMoon
Tloc Guard DragonMoon
Ulryk DragonMoon
Ulryka DragonMoon
Valkyrie DragonMoon
Ves Mule Too DragonMoon
Vespers DragonMoon
Xreigns DragonMoon
Zazune DragonMoon
Harryk Franks Red Hot
Asuras Frostfell
Dorn Claytor Frostfell
Kirk of Rithwic Frostfell
The rugerman Frostfell
Xenon Hollow Frostfell
Gokhan the Gladiator Harvestgain
Heyu Harvestgain
Klm I Harvestgain
Leaf Cull Harvestgain
Lisa Grace Cole Harvestgain
Morning Thaw Harvestgain
Winters Ebbtide Harvestgain
The Hermit Hermit-Land
Dookie InfiniteLeaftide
Lonewulf Leafcull
Mad Cow Leafcull
Mana Man II Leafcull
Sledgeman Leafcull
Smokin'Joe Lost World
The Builder LostWoods AC
Coulson XXIIIXXIIIX Morningthaw
Frost Blade Morningthaw
Pliskin Morningthaw
Shadowgain Shadowgain
Lisa Grace Solclaim
Shakalakka Solclaim
Theressa Solclaim
Victor the Strong Solclaim
God Soulclaim
Jesse the Knight Thistledown
Kragg Thistledown
Dragon Slayer The Buffy Whiting
Whiting Whiting