Ranking: Coordination (Base)

Server: Frostfell

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Coordination (Base)
Craig I I I Frostfell 290
Tenzig Norgay I Frostfell 290
Depravity Frostfell 290
You Jackwagon you Tanzanite Frostfell 290
Burningitchingprivateparts Frostfell 290
Marburg Frostfell 290
Aurum est potestas Frostfell 290
Zanzabar Claytor Frostfell 290
T'chau Claytor Frostfell 290
Thorn of Sarathar Frostfell 290
Dagle Chi-Cuk Frostfell 290
Dagle ibn Quad Frostfell 290
Thalak Frostfell 290
Mckeb I I I Frostfell 290
Onisama Frostfell 290
Bayle Domon Frostfell 290
Lizard Dagle Frostfell 290
Murderous Frostfell 290
Colin's Master Tinkerer Frostfell 290
Dead Dagle Frostfell 290
Andraste the Wicked Frostfell 290
Niro's I I Frostfell 290
Norlist Frostfell 290
Navo Frostfell 290
Crescendo Frostfell 290
Tive I I I Frostfell 290
Void Dagle Frostfell 290
Super Bowyer Frostfell 290
Sabot Dagle I Frostfell 290
Legend of the Pheonix Frostfell 290
Teldir Frostfell 290
Dagle Stick Frostfell 290
Tungsten Dagle Frostfell 290
Anaan Frostfell 290
Throwing Souls Frostfell 290
Ballistic Arrow Frostfell 290
Drive-By Santa Frostfell 290
Ursor Frostfell 290
Lil' Miss Swords Frostfell 290
Dagle ibn Uno Frostfell 290
Faldmar Frostfell 290
Mae Claytor Frostfell 290
Burwylf Frostfell 290
Ryhme Frostfell 290
Legacy of the Pheonix Frostfell 290
Pewpyone Frostfell 290
Santa's Pooper Scooper Frostfell 290
The Mistress Frostfell 290
Zibd I I I Frostfell 290
Sarang The Jushin Frostfell 290
Finesse Souls Frostfell 290
Bin Smashin' Frostfell 290
Tungsten Dagle I Frostfell 290
Ung the Jushin Frostfell 290
Masema Dagar Frostfell 290
Super Xbowyer Frostfell 290
Santa's Labor Enforcer Frostfell 290
Tidel I I I Frostfell 290
Arcana I I I Frostfell 290
Ebrithil Frostfell 290
Im Yo Cooking Slave Frostfell 290
Crispy Bacon Frostfell 290
Brandon Claytor Frostfell 290
Super Pusher Frostfell 290
Padvic Frostfell 290
Talmanes Delovinde Frostfell 290
Dagle X Frostfell 290
Tidel I I Frostfell 290
Dagle Frostfell 290
Bivara Frostfell 290
Super Rocket Frostfell 290
Niro's I I I Frostfell 290
Any Given Monday Frostfell 290
Swole Souls Frostfell 290
Craig I I Frostfell 290
Trimbul Frostfell 290
Super's Tinker Frostfell 290
Asheevi Frostfell 290
Dagle Bm Frostfell 290
Nasu no Yoichi Frostfell 290
Super Ua Frostfell 290
Joe Pistone Frostfell 290
Dagle ibn Dos Frostfell 290
Tracheal Intubation Kit Frostfell 290
Tenzig Norgay III Frostfell 290
Dacnomaniac Frostfell 290
Dagle ibn Valha Frostfell 290
Flea Eater Frostfell 290
Dark lady the threelagbird Frostfell 290
Sweet spawn Frostfell 290
Seventytwocorvette Frostfell 290
General Snus Frostfell 290
Perfect Wife Frostfell 290
Unarmed The Mak II Frostfell 290
Muadip The Wisist Frostfell 290
Taekwon V Frostfell 290
White Tiger The West Frostfell 290
Rimmer Leah Frostfell 290
Mr Lucifer Frostfell 290
Lauren Claytor Frostfell 290