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Online 0 characters online as of 3 weeks ago
Uploaded 369 characters uploaded
Type PvE
Description A PVE Server to mimic retail and later add custom content.
Software ACE

Recent Uploads

Name Updated
Dread 3 weeks ago
Dread Weapons 3 weeks ago
Forsaken 3 weeks ago
Gol Gotha 3 weeks ago
S i N 3 weeks ago
XIII 3 weeks ago
Leviathan 3 weeks ago
S ii N 5 weeks ago
Malevolent 5 weeks ago
Dread Mule 12 weeks ago
Seven of Nine 23 weeks ago
Tinker Hoo 23 weeks ago
Chef Hoo 23 weeks ago
Hunter Hoo 23 weeks ago
Hoovoid 23 weeks ago
Hootwo Handed 23 weeks ago
Gahoolife 23 weeks ago
Gahoo 23 weeks ago
Gahoomage 23 weeks ago
Sha Teth 51 weeks ago
Air-Head 61 weeks ago
Hannah 61 weeks ago
Dragon 61 weeks ago
Cyberknight 67 weeks ago
Letters 68 weeks ago