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Online 1 character online as of a week ago
Uploaded 200 characters uploaded
Type PvE
Description 1.5x XP/Luminance - 2x Quest XP/Luminance - Custom starting items and content.
Software ACE

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Name Updated
Lingrad a week ago
Lingrad the Traveller a week ago
Alexis a week ago
Azhreghal 6 weeks ago
Siliveth 7 weeks ago
Nox 8 weeks ago
Cthulu 9 weeks ago
Bugsy 10 weeks ago
Farrah 10 weeks ago
Cinnamon Roll Producer 10 weeks ago
Beholder 10 weeks ago
Doskias 11 weeks ago
Deadshot 11 weeks ago
Erindorn 11 weeks ago
Tallywhacker 11 weeks ago
Kull the Impailer 12 weeks ago
Beatdown 12 weeks ago
Sinius 12 weeks ago
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Avarice Incarnate 12 weeks ago
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Method 12 weeks ago
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