Ranking: Creature Enchantment (Base)

Server: Frostcull

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Creature Enchantment (Base)
Narko Frostcull 1584
War Ronsolo II Frostcull 353
The Tamer Frostcull 353
Merlin the Mage Frostcull 353
Shemtar Frostcull 353
Tenement Funster Frostcull 353
Lemon-Aide Frostcull 353
Boomhauer Frostcull 353
Vixen Frostcull 353
Black Panther Frostcull 348
Blue Shade Frostcull 346
Endromina Frostcull 346
Tonka Tunk Frostcull 331
Legion Frostcull 331
Green Hornet Frostcull 330
Mr-Roboto Frostcull 325
Misguided Archer Frostcull 321
Ego Frostcull 320
Yellow Jacket Frostcull 313
Feran Frostcull 310
Fervant Frostcull 309
Marcuis de Light Frostcull 308
Nalyane Frostcull 308
And one mule Frostcull 308
Justin Frostcull 308
Richard the Twohand Frostcull 308
Xrater Frostcull 308
Butterface Frostcull 308
Airborne Frostcull 308
Avatar Frostcull 308
Harmony Mule V Frostcull 308
Susan de Bower Frostcull 300
Armour Storage Frostcull 298
Legendaries XX Frostcull 293
Legendaries XXI Frostcull 291
Sunnie Frostcull 285
Nydilligan V Frostcull 281
Rainnie Frostcull 280
Boris Frostcull 280
Nydilligan IV Frostcull 280
Nydilligan II Frostcull 280
Nydilligan III Frostcull 280
Slack Frostcull 280
Legendaries legs and shoes II Frostcull 277
Red Fox Frostcull 275
Vander Sedai Frostcull 275
Serax Frostcull 273
Nydilligan Frostcull 270
R P M Frostcull 265
Layfairer Frostcull 265
Dark Matrix Frostcull 265
Creamchesse Frostcull 263
Full Self-Casting Frostcull 260
Robotism Frostcull 260
Autonomous Magical Frostcull 260
Automationist Frostcull 260
Windie Frostcull 258
Navaro Five Frostcull 255
Navaro Four Frostcull 253
Navaro Two Frostcull 253
Navaro Three Frostcull 253
Navaro Frostcull 250
End of Days Frostcull 250
Specialty Storage Frostcull 250
Bethea Frostcull 248
Savannah Frostcull 241
Semicerious Frostcull 240
Styne Frostcull 238
Tinkle Frostcull 237
Wok Frostcull 233
Crafter Frostcull 230
Gorst Frostcull 227
Dethwyr the Dubious Frostcull 223
Wickedmulealpha Frostcull 218
Jubei Frostcull 215
Raphaelii Frostcull 213
Rainmon Frostcull 210
Gia Zia Frostcull 210
Rose Nylund Frostcull 208
Gal Zadot Frostcull 199
Scrillz Frostcull 195
Xefron Frostcull 185
Reborn Mage Frostcull 175
Avarice Frostcull 171
End of Nights Frostcull 170
Misc XV Frostcull 153
Alyane Frostcull 145
Sophia Petrillo Frostcull 143
Cloudy de War Frostcull 142
Clear Leather Frostcull 141
Capt Clapcheeks Frostcull 135
Hoovoid Frostcull 129
Cpl Cheekclappening Frostcull 115
Adiv Frostcull 112
Rachel Void Frostcull 110
Bleek Frostcull 110
Allfourone Frostcull 105
Beloved Frostcull 105
Fireblade Frostcull 105
Bodoa Frostcull 100