Ranking: Creature Enchantment (Base)

Server: ValHeel

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Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Creature Enchantment (Base)
Ja'afar al-Saladin ValHeel 354
Cocked Glock ValHeel 353
Shadow Magic ValHeel 353
Tinker of Tuu ValHeel 353
Desproth ValHeel 353
Winter ValHeel 353
Rioki ValHeel 353
Big Summons ValHeel 353
Karen the Berzerk ValHeel 353
Ebony Hue ValHeel 353
Volae ValHeel 350
Floosi ValHeel 350
Widow ValHeel 350
Woods ValHeel 346
Spring ValHeel 345
Nuggie ValHeel 345
Ex Nihilo ValHeel 344
Peace ValHeel 340
War ValHeel 340
Zeno ValHeel 338
Void where prohibited ValHeel 338
Azurehue ValHeel 338
Genco ValHeel 337
Trees ValHeel 335
Godfrey Graymantle ValHeel 335
Freya ValHeel 335
Obsidian Shadow ValHeel 335
Guttervoid ValHeel 332
L A G E R U N G ValHeel 331
Narek ValHeel 331
Viking ValHeel 331
Rottweiller Hardcore ValHeel 331
Mr Oizo ValHeel 331
Stingin' Belle ValHeel 328
Bones ValHeel 328
Shugash ValHeel 328
Myguysaregone ValHeel 325
Beefie Melt Burrito ValHeel 325
Matuok ValHeel 323
Linda Crow ValHeel 323
Artifice ValHeel 320
Rampancy ValHeel 320
Wizard ValHeel 320
Belfalcon ValHeel 313
Daimon ValHeel 313
Shared ValHeel 313
Fallen ValHeel 313
Crimzon Hue ValHeel 311
The Destined ValHeel 311
Jank ValHeel 308
Bugsy ValHeel 308
Omicron ValHeel 308
Bawitdaba'Da'Bang ValHeel 308
Coochmagoochatron ValHeel 301
Tycel ValHeel 300
Bow E ValHeel 298
Legends of Dereth ValHeel 298
Rem ValHeel 296
Steel Shadow ValHeel 296
Val ValHeel 290
Mott ValHeel 288
Rex ValHeel 285
Nerala ValHeel 285
Cyberknight ValHeel 280
Legend ValHeel 278
Martus Moonfall ValHeel 275
Coyote the Trixter ValHeel 274
Meatball ValHeel 273
Ron To ValHeel 273
Azure Void ValHeel 271
Darius Dawnbringer ValHeel 270
Gavyn the Grin ValHeel 268
Holy Hand Grenade ValHeel 268
Onno ValHeel 260
Wynafred ValHeel 260
Shakes the Alchy ValHeel 260
Wolf ValHeel 258
Wendy ValHeel 255
Red the Ox ValHeel 255
Lo ValHeel 255
Bashful Betty ValHeel 253
Bigfoot ValHeel 251
Violet ValHeel 250
Max ValHeel 248
Rynn ValHeel 248
Diana ValHeel 246
Intrepid ValHeel 240
Rolan Blunts ValHeel 238
Wylon ValHeel 238
Link ValHeel 231
She E Two ValHeel 230
Hando ValHeel 228
Moe ValHeel 225
Four Loko ValHeel 221
Exalted ValHeel 217
Ryder ValHeel 215
Russ ValHeel 202
Sorrow ValHeel 193
Apollo ValHeel 190
Bow This ValHeel 180