Ranking: Endurance (Base)

Server: Frostfell

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Endurance (Base)
Bed Bug Eater Frostfell 290
Sweet spawn Frostfell 290
The Devil's Own Frostfell 290
Andraste the Wicked Frostfell 290
Red halo Frostfell 290
Perfect Wife Frostfell 290
Evil-Lady Frostfell 290
Azarian Frostfell 290
Spqr Frostfell 290
Monica Bellucci Frostfell 290
Umadcuzubad Frostfell 290
Ryhme Mage Frostfell 290
Cheawon Frostfell 290
The Baron Frostfell 290
War Pheonix Frostfell 290
Legend of the Pheonix Frostfell 290
Super Og-ster Frostfell 290
Yong the brave Frostfell 290
Narahliz Frostfell 290
Name's Healer Frostfell 290
Dazil Frostfell 290
Super Og Frostfell 290
Primordius Frostfell 290
Vice Duke of Rithwic Frostfell 290
Dammuth Frostfell 290
Zie F F Zie Frostfell 290
The Biggest Stoner Frostfell 290
Void Bivara Frostfell 290
Void Pheonix Frostfell 290
Den'Tink Frostfell 290
Porthios Darksoul Frostfell 290
The Mistress Frostfell 290
Santa's Labor Enforcer Frostfell 290
Pirates of Dereth Frostfell 290
Macakeeeeee Frostfell 290
Mrs Lucifer Frostfell 290
Dininy Frostfell 290
Jonathan Claytor Frostfell 290
Super Bowyer Frostfell 290
Arel Malevin Frostfell 290
Spqrs Mule Frostfell 290
Zerowolf Frostfell 290
Arcana I I Frostfell 290
Colin's Master Tinkerer Frostfell 290
Winzlow Frostfell 290
Kazarri Frostfell 290
Snus Frostfell 290
Dakings Necromancer Frostfell 290
Nevoros Darksoul Frostfell 290
Wolf Tinker Frostfell 290
Zigi The Tailor Frostfell 290
Austin of Stone Cold Frostfell 290
Troll King Frostfell 290
Zahldrin Frostfell 290
Seventytwocorvette Frostfell 290
Lil' Missie Frostfell 290
Tisa I I I Frostfell 290
Access Denied Frostfell 290
Absinthe Mistake Frostfell 290
You Jackwagon you Tanzanite Frostfell 290
Eldgrim Frostfell 290
Gone's Mage Frostfell 290
Cihaya The Chosen Frostfell 290
Dagle Og Frostfell 290
Korvu Frostfell 290
A stupid pk Frostfell 290
Alchemyholic Tinker Frostfell 290
Torrdin Frostfell 290
Ferr-Ahab Assain Sat Frostfell 290
Void Souls Frostfell 290
Santa's Little Elf Frostfell 290
Drive-By Santa Frostfell 290
Duskfalcon Frostfell 290
Crispy Bacon Frostfell 290
Marburg Frostfell 290
Colin Claytor Frostfell 290
Agelmar Jagad Frostfell 290
Souls of Reality Frostfell 290
Crescendo Frostfell 290
Vampiress Frostfell 290
Enkazin Asha'man Frostfell 290
Genesis King Frostfell 290
Ladri Frostfell 290
Foks Frostfell 290
Apii Frostfell 290
Ghost medic Frostfell 290
Vita extreme Frostfell 290
Sotis Frostfell 290
Rolanazar Frostfell 290
Souls Alchemist Frostfell 290
Smoochiez Frostfell 290
Novak Frostfell 290
Zachary Claytor Frostfell 290
Novaris Frostfell 290
Zeofox Frostfell 290
Dark Wolf Frostfell 290
Moularaz Frostfell 290
Xtreme Tabun Frostfell 290
Aeval the Nubile Frostfell 290
Christa Claytor Frostfell 290