Ranking: Endurance (Base)

Server: Leafcull

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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Endurance (Base)
Tann Mulei Leafcull 10
Pyreal Knite Leafcull 10
Soul's Mule Leafcull 10
Tann Muleh Leafcull 10
Dexterous Golem Leafcull 10
Masked Knight Leafcull 10
Beenie's Trophy Mule Leafcull 10
Vanu's Twin Star Leafcull 10
Elanac Troy Leafcull 10
Tungsten Knight Leafcull 10
Bag of Chips Leafcull 10
Toy R Us Leafcull 10
Depot II Leafcull 10
Fork and Spoon Leafcull 10
Opal Knight Leafcull 10
In Search of Fun Noodle Machine Leafcull 10
Sapphire Knife Leafcull 10
Beenie's Rare Mule Leafcull 10
Mathias the Don Leafcull 10
Itchie Butt Leafcull 10
Diamond Knight Leafcull 10
Quollin Leafcull 10
Covenant Golem Leafcull 10
Pearl Knight Leafcull 10
Seasonal Knight Leafcull 10
Depot I Leafcull 10
Thad Mule II Leafcull 10
Why None Shall Pass Leafcull 10
Tann Staffer Leafcull 10
Flavory Leafcull 10
Tann Mule II Leafcull 10
Story Time Leafcull 10
Quest Wand Knight Leafcull 10
Zero Swagger Leafcull 10
Tightwad III Leafcull 10
Service Station Leafcull 10
Beenie's Salvage Two Leafcull 10
Cloaked Golem Leafcull 10
B V Leafcull 10
Mansion Knight Leafcull 10
Robed Knight Leafcull 10
Chimes II Leafcull 10
Lil peepper Leafcull 10
Trinket Golem Leafcull 10
Go For It Leafcull 10
Lugius Leafcull 10
Alka Mist Leafcull 10
Charm Golem Leafcull 10
Snake's Rage Leafcull 10
Chimes III Leafcull 10
Asic Mule VI Leafcull 10
The Key-Master Leafcull 10
Mr Armor Leafcull 10
Vanu's Tradebot Leafcull 10
The Alchemst Leafcull 10
Aetheria Golem Leafcull 10
Arsenal I Leafcull 10
Tannmulee Leafcull 10
Butterfly's Old Gear Leafcull 10
Arsenal II Leafcull 10
Retired Knight Leafcull 10
Key the Hill Leafcull 10
Depot III Leafcull 10
Clutter III Leafcull 10
Quick like Donkey Leafcull 10
Clutter II Leafcull 10
Kisuke Urahara Leafcull 10
Clutter I Leafcull 10
Interior Decorator Knight Leafcull 10
Intense Pain Leafcull 10
Snake's Flame Leafcull 10
Quest Armor Knight Leafcull 10
Ava's Bag Mule Leafcull 10
Tightwad I Leafcull 10
Tightwad II Leafcull 10
Tann Mule V Leafcull 10
Ruby Knight Leafcull 10
Epic Knight Leafcull 10
Gattsu of the Hawk Leafcull 10
Beenie's Legendary Eighteen Leafcull 10
Salvage Silo Leafcull 10
B I Leafcull 10
Component Knight Leafcull 10
Big Frakking Gimp Leafcull 10
Sapphire's Old Gear Leafcull 10
Defender Golem Leafcull 10
Zircon Knight Leafcull 10
Wise Golem Leafcull 10
Muletool Leafcull 10
Trophy Knight Leafcull 10
True Knightmare Leafcull 10
Chad Forth Leafcull 10
Snake's Shadow Leafcull 10
Ava's Mule VI Leafcull 10
Ava's Mule III Leafcull 10
Chirade's Mule Leafcull 10
Niro's I I Leafcull 10
Shielded Knight Leafcull 10
Quest Charm Knight Leafcull 10
Underwear Golem Leafcull 10