Ranking: Heavy Weapons (Base)

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Heavy Weapons (Base)
Shemmie ACEmulator -1431655680
Nice Classic Dereth 0
Girth of Leikotha's Tears FunkyTown 2.0 0
Breastplate of Leikotha's Tears FunkyTown 2.0 0
Funky Snow Tusker Pack FunkyTown 2.0 0
Chitin Cracker FunkyTown 2.0 0
Bael'Zharon Reefcull 0
Al Manarok the War Smith Levistras 7
Ali A Babwa Reefcull 7
Akillez FrostfACE 7
A Bad Man Drunkenfell 7
Abcdefghijk Harvestbud 7
Al Swearengen LostWoods AC 7
Akillez FunkyTown PK 7
Altoid the Wise Frostcull 7
A Elric Ae Frostcull 7
Aila Coldeve 7
Aluvoi Reefcull 7
Adalind Coldeve 7
Alopex Coldeve 7
Akextrevoid Coldeve 7
Acid Trip Drunkenfell 7
A Truly Awful Pk Hightide 7
Alyria Drunkenfell 7
Alero Coldeve 7
A Elric Ah Frostcull 7
Abcdefghi Harvestbud 7
Abcdefghijkl Harvestbud 7
Abuun Doctide 7
Ali Julius Derptide 7
Abcd Harvestbud 7
Alakablam Coldeve 7
Adonais Morntide 7
Amya Harvestgain 7
Adept's Set Reefcull 7
Alec Azzam Reefcull 7
Ainz Ooal Gown Reefcull 7
Alexander the Magi InfiniteLeaftide 7
A Crafty Necromancer Coldeve 7
Adam Viridian Prime 7
Aenar Reefcull 7
An Second Two Hander DobZ 7
Aaa GDLE 7
Acolyte of the Coven Seedsow 7
Aleks Levistras 7
Aeth Flagging Portal Frostcull 7
Abuun al-Akir Levistras 7
Achlys Harvestbud 7
Amulight-headed Reefcull 7
A Elric Aj Frostcull 7
Alero Darktide 2.0 7
A Elric Ai Frostcull 7
Aaaa GDLE 7
Aeiouyae Harvestbud 7
Aeiouyaei Harvestbud 7
Aeiouya Harvestbud 7
Acadamotron InfiniteLeaftide 7
A C Maniac Two Reefcull 7
Abcdefghij Harvestbud 7
Abcdefgh Harvestbud 7
Al Yumi Levistras 7
Abcdefg Harvestbud 7
Al Nubie Asheron4Fun.com 7
Abcdef Harvestbud 7
Alludai Coldeve 7
Abc Harvestbud 7
Allushai Alladain Levistras 7
Abcde Harvestbud 7
Alt clothes Frostcull 7
Akilla the Mage Coldeve 7
Akillez AChard 7
Adon Reefcull 7
Ancient Dragon Sundering 7
Aaliyah Living Auberean 7
Akakartwo Coldeve 7
A AChard 7
Alfred the Worldly Verdantine 7
Air IV Harvestbud 7
Akdaltvoid Coldeve 7
Abcdefghijklm Harvestbud 7
An Entity Derptide 7
A Elric Ag Frostcull 7
Aerizan III Coldeve 7
06/15/22 02:56:35 AM. GDLEnhanced Linux 7
Agri Zoedain Coldeve 7
A Nasty Necromancer Coldeve 7
Aetheria Flagging Portal Frostcull 7
A Elric Af Frostcull 7
Angel of the Void Reefcull 7
Aerbax InfiniteAC 7
Aerifelcana Frostfell 7
Acid Stream Drunkenfell 7
Aeiouyaeiouy Harvestbud 7
Aeiouyaeio Harvestbud 7
Aeiouy Harvestbud 7
Absinthe Thistlecrown 7
A-Trip Verdantine 7
Ac Maniac One Reefcull 7
A C Maniac Reefcull 7
Abel Reefcull 7