Ranking: Jump (Base)

Server: Hightide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Jump (Base)
Supersaiyann Hightide 503
Al-Booli Biotch Hightide 498
Weaver's Ua Hightide 498
Despised Hightide 498
Intoxiklown Hightide 498
Thrill Kill Hightide 498
Ardeiumplut Hightide 498
A Floating Guy Hightide 498
Sturm Brightblade Hightide 493
Big Lots Hightide 490
Monarchy Of Shin Hightide 481
Blu Ballz Hightide 475
I level people Hightide 473
Coffee Hightide 468
The Select Few Hightide 466
Legacy Hightide 465
Shin shazz Hightide 460
Renee Hightide 458
Fuhrer Hightide 455
Social Hightide 455
Tumerok Hightide 454
Eclectic Android Hightide 453
Silent Thrill Hightide 453
Bigtinks Hightide 453
Doctor Zaius Hightide 453
Intrinsic Hightide 453
Warweaver Hightide 453
Marcus Illanor Hightide 453
Warweaveriv-pusher Hightide 453
I l I I I l l l I l l I l I l l Hightide 453
Vladimir Putin Hightide 450
Msn Ac Test Unit Hightide 449
Over Nine Thousand Hightide 445
The Menace Hightide 444
Plache Hightide 443
Lacoste Hightide 443
Reaper Hightide 440
Weaver-vii-bow-defense Hightide 440
Sidamos Hightide 437
Jedi Hightide 435
Arrows Might Hurt Hightide 432
Schwanzlutscher Hightide 430
Weaver mule Hightide 430
One Trick Pony Hightide 426
Quintinker Hightide 426
Turd Ferguson Hightide 425
Grade I Hightide 425
Scary Terry Hightide 425
Hellraiser Hightide 423
Kinray Hightide 420
Anytime Hightide 420
Vince McMahon Hightide 420
Bastian Hightide 418
Spawn II Hightide 418
Jupiler Hightide 418
Pms Revenge Hightide 415
Speed Ball Hightide 415
Shinmagik Hightide 415
Random Heroes Hightide 414
Ball Cruncher Hightide 413
Hallas Hightide 413
Al-Booli's Revenge Hightide 413
Murderer Hightide 413
Tps Report Hightide 413
X-unit Hightide 413
Little Foot Hightide 413
Twistedheat Hightide 413
Hammer on you Hightide 413
Quintessence Hightide 413
Blood Hightide 413
Futality Hightide 413
Waste of Tapers Hightide 413
Coke Hightide 413
George Of The Jungle Hightide 413
Dmg Hightide 413
Shin Magik Hightide 413
Weaver-epic-jewelry Hightide 411
Ted Bundy Hightide 411
Hightides Finest Hightide 410
No-Remorse Hightide 410
Stupid Idiot Hightide 410
Daddy Hightide 410
Inox Hightide 408
Red Paternator Hightide 408
Domestos Hightide 408
Warweaverii Hightide 408
Winguyen Hightide 408
Nihilistic Hightide 408
Raistlin Hightide 408
Throneless Hightide 408
Blink Hightide 408
Dread Thrill Hightide 408
Robot Hightide 408
The Void Hightide 408
L A S T C A L L Hightide 408
Drewdunker Hightide 406
Fundamental Hightide 405
Dark Awakening Hightide 404
Equin Zhapaj Hightide 402
Hammer on you' Hightide 402