Ranking: Leadership (Base)

Server: Doctide

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Leadership (Base)
Gordon Ramsay Doctide 236
Spect Rum Doctide 236
Shiva Doctide 236
A Patron Doctide 236
Trees Doctide 236
Danache Doctide 236
Renegades of Funk Doctide 236
Witch Doctor Doctide 236
Lil Moist Rippers Doctide 236
Albert Tinkstein Doctide 235
Solenoid Doctide 231
If You Kiss Me You're Gay Doctide 222
Lo Lo Doctide 220
Tinktang Doctide 215
X tinker Doctide 210
Skill Doctide 208
Shic Doctide 208
Renegade Baby Stabber Doctide 208
Haruka Doctide 208
Haq Doctide 208
Tps Report is Fat and Jobless Doctide 208
Stolas Ruption Doctide 208
Super Shin Tabatha Doctide 208
Shook One Doctide 208
Sho Majik Doctide 208
Ripperoni Doctide 208
Synchronicity Doctide 208
The Friendly Snowman Doctide 208
All day long I think about butts Doctide 208
B-Unit Doctide 208
Itachi Uchiha Doctide 208
Hundred Proof Doctide 208
Xeno-Death-Cycle Doctide 208
Fudly Doctide 208
Finger Doctide 208
Demon Baby Doctide 208
Simply Red Doctide 208
The Bloody Nine Doctide 208
Expander Doctide 208
Conspirous Doctide 208
Khaos Doctide 202
Yuppers Doctide 200
Gassan Sadatoshi Doctide 200
Joe Biden Doctide 199
Xanolor Doctide 198
The Last Xbow Doctide 197
Trash Mobs Doctide 192
Mahadeva Doctide 181
Zandabar Doctide 180
Quuz'Anon Doctide 180
Buff One Out Doctide 173
My Stuff Doctide 171
Legalize Reefer Doctide 170
The Select Few Doctide 160
Biggs Darklighter Doctide 140
Granola Doctide 135
Xiyammy Doctide 120
Mucking Funter Doctide 100
Bob Loblaw Doctide 43
Stinky tinkey Doctide 17
Black Rose Noble Doctide 10
Plump Vole Doctide 10
Bobbert's Guy Doctide 10
Tinkerbelle Doctide 10
Stubborn Mule Doctide 10
Spellest Boiest Doctide 10
Soft Gopher Doctide 10
R P M Doctide 10
Celcynd Doctide 10
Plump Mole Doctide 10
Maximus Doctide 10
I'll Hold It Doctide 10
Joseph Doctide 10
I'm a Pk Doctide 10
Crispy Grasshopper Doctide 10
Flex Fuel Doctide 10
Ethanol Doctide 10
Thug Doctide 5
Benji Doctide 0
Armor I Doctide 0
Bewb Sweat Doctide 0
Big Bag Boi Doctide 0
Aeth Doctide 0
Armor II Doctide 0
Big Mac Doctide 0
Big Step Mule Doctide 0
Armor III Doctide 0
Big pipe Doctide 0
Bigger than mad Doctide 0
A Salvage Mule Doctide 0
Aetheria Pets three Doctide 0
Armor Six i Doctide 0
Biggest Boiest Doctide 0
Armor V Doctide 0
Black Magic Doctide 0
Aetheria n Cloaks Doctide 0
Armor Weapon and Joori Drop Item Doctide 0
Black Ronsolo Doctide 0
Bless DeZ Nuts I Doctide 0
Armorvi Doctide 0