Ranking: Magic Defense (Base)

Server: Doctide

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Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Magic Defense (Base)
Mike hunt Doctide 8
Just Junky ole epics for Morty Doctide 8
Defenseless rare mule Doctide 8
Zizzzfipe Doctide 8
Noplay IV Doctide 8
I Hide Salvage In My Butt Doctide 8
Frank Reynolds Doctide 8
Benji Doctide 8
Duck Dodgers Doctide 8
Tangy Charge Doctide 8
Armor Weapon and Joori Drop Item Doctide 8
Fyz's Epic Mule I Doctide 8
Essence for days Doctide 8
Fyz's Salvage Mule I Doctide 8
Epictangtwo Doctide 8
Expand Able Doctide 8
Officemanager Doctide 8
Deletemeirl Doctide 8
Ten Piece Nugget Meal Doctide 8
Duckdodgers Doctide 8
Xfcbsxdfgbsdrf Doctide 8
Noplay II Doctide 8
Aetheria Pets three Doctide 8
Fyz's Steel Mule Doctide 8
Too cold for this shi Doctide 8
Slow Doctide 8
Epictang Doctide 8
Shin Armory Doctide 8
Epicman Doctide 8
Spare Suit Doctide 8
Stuffnthings Doctide 8
Tps Statement Doctide 8
Diehardaethism Doctide 8
Lugian Apprentice of Salvage Doctide 8
Julien Doctide 8
I'll Hold It Doctide 8
Noplay V Doctide 8
Testttt Doctide 8
Country Mac Doctide 8
Taylor Doctide 8
Steeler Doctide 8
Four Doctide 8
Allo Doctide 8
Tailor five Doctide 8
Steel Mule xx Doctide 8
Epics xxx Doctide 8
Noplay I Doctide 8
Shadowfigures Doctide 8
Noplay III Doctide 8
Lugian Master Mule Doctide 8
Up The Irons Doctide 8
Epics Threeeee Doctide 8
Fyz's Random Mule Doctide 8
New Epics three Doctide 8
Jinx Doctide 8
My sets Doctide 8
Lastweekpr Doctide 8
Steelmajuno Doctide 8
Holdoor Doctide 8
Muletide Doctide 8
Stash person Doctide 8
Compy mc compyson Doctide 8
Weapons three act Doctide 8
Also Ginger Doctide 8
Armor Six i Doctide 8
Alchyholic Doctide 8
Epics Threee Doctide 8
Bob Sacamano Doctide 8
Tugak Doctide 8
Taper Doctide 8
Major Tang Doctide 8
Arwic Hilton Doctide 8
Salvage five I Doctide 8
Ronsolo's Mule Doctide 8
Stick Your Finger In My Ash Doctide 8
My fwiend bigus Doctide 8
Weapons Fivexx Doctide 8
Fyz's Steel Mule II Doctide 8
Steelburden Doctide 8
Firepowaa Doctide 8
Lugian Master Scrivener Doctide 8
Mantis Toboggan Doctide 8
Maximus Doctide 8
The Coon Doctide 8
Eiightang Doctide 8
Dr Funky Doctide 8
Free Foot Jobs Doctide 8
Set Epics Doubles and Fine Wine Doctide 8
Two Doctide 8
Alloo Doctide 8
Dwada Doctide 8
Mikey Krinkles Doctide 8
Random Salvage five Doctide 8
Hoggy Doctide 8
Sevenn Doctide 8
Six Doctide 8
Lugian Master of Salvage Doctide 8
Purchasing Doctide 8
Qsalv Doctide 8
Three Doctide 8