Ranking: Mana (Base)

Server: Ascension

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Mana (Base)
Brib Next Ascension 10
Chief Executive Mule Ascension 10
Baxmule II Ascension 10
Asdgadshahahha Ascension 10
Arc Sets Ascension 10
Earius Ascension 10
Bastul the Mule Ascension 10
Golfiks Mfks puller Ascension 10
Gbsalvage Ascension 10
Aiferia Ascension 10
Arnold Ascension 10
Arc Tailors Ascension 10
Golfik's Low Legos Ascension 10
Avarice Incarnate Ascension 10
Golfik's weapon master Ascension 10
Brib Weapons Ascension 10
Golfik Epic's Suits Ascension 10
Baxbow Mule Ascension 10
Granite n iron Ascension 10
Baxy's Fanciest Legos Ascension 10
Greights Ascension 10
Baxy's Mr Mule Ascension 10
Adept wise Ascension 10
Arc Sets II Ascension 10
Frankey Ascension 10
Baxy's Fancy Legos Ascension 10
Gb-Letters Ascension 10
Adsgdsaghasdhah Ascension 10
Blueskull Ascension 10
Golfik's Rares Keeper Ascension 10
Aegis Ascension 10
Accoutrement Ascension 10
Brib Armor Ascension 10
Golfiks Mule Slavage Ascension 10
Arc Ascension 10
Ellisa Ascension 10
Arc Legendaries Ascension 10
Golfik's Keymaster Ascension 10
Aetheria Dude Ascension 10
Arc Legendaries II Ascension 10
Baxmelee Ascension 10
Grizzly Tink Ascension 10
Baxy's Fancier Legos Ascension 10
Crafty Ascension 10
Frankey II Ascension 10
Grizzly Ascension 10
Baxy's Legos Ascension 10
Arc Salvage II Ascension 10
Baxy's Treasures Ascension 10
Grizzly Bow Ascension 10
Bella Ascension 10
Firewire Ascension 10
Big Papi Ascension 10
Golfiks Mmds Ascension 10
Arc Weapons Ascension 10
Giggle Gallop Ascension 10
Blue Dream Ascension 10
Danbass the Mule Ascension 10
Dumpz Ascension 10
Blue Screen Of Death Ascension 10
Epic Mike Ascension 10
Blue Steel Ascension 10
Golfik's Pokerface Ascension 10
Bodacious Sin Ascension 10
Hearty Dex Ascension 10
Bowhemian Ascension 10
Baxy's Fancy Legos II Ascension 10
Brass Man Ascension 10
Epicmotron Ascension 10
Crimson Moon Ascension 10
Foghorn Leghorn Ascension 10
Brib Armor l Ascension 10
Heavy Burdenz Ascension 10
Brib Next Level Ascension 10
Gladiator Ascension 10
Brib Tailor Ascension 10
Golfiks Money Ascension 10
Brib mule Ascension 10
Arc Salvage Ascension 10
Covenant Ascension 10
Grape Ape Ascension 10
Buncha Junk Ascension 10
Derp Face Ascension 10
Cailugian Ascension 10
Formula Ascension 10
Carella Ascension 10
Arc Mule Ascension 10
Cdr Two Three Ascension 10
Hold my Junk Ascension 10
Aetherium Ascension 10
Creatures of Habbit Ascension 10
Arc Mule II Ascension 10
Frankey I Ascension 10
Homer Ascension 10
Holden McSteel Ascension 10
Highly Rated Mule I Ascension 10
Graywolv Ascension 10
Golfiks Mfk puller Ascension 10
Frozen Ascension 10
Dumps Ascension 10