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Server: Retail

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Groups All Retail Private
Retail Servers Darktide Frostfell Harvestgain Leafcull Morningthaw Thistledown Solclaim Verdantine WintersEbb
Private Servers ACPrime AChard Ascension Asheron4Fun.com Coldeve DarkSide-PK Dekarutide Derptide Doctide Drunkenfell Duskfall Fathomless Refuge Frostcull FrostfACE FunkyTEST FunkyTown 2.0 FunkyTown PK GDLE Test HARVESTreGAINed Harvestbud Harvestgain_Originals Hightide Infinite Frosthaven InfiniteLeaftide Jellocull Levistras Modclaim Morgentau Morntide Reefcull Revolution Seedsow Shadowland Snowreap Soulclaim Sundering Thistlecrown ValHeel Wynterhaven

Name Server Rank
Babie Harvestgain 10
Sinned Frostfell 10
Tua Harvestgain 10
Mary mule Leafcull 10
Mage Murlin Harvestgain 10
Frolic Harvestgain 10
Get Down Darktide 10
Athalia Leafcull 10
Moonlite Harvestgain 10
Nythak I Thistledown 10
Daisy Mae Harvestgain 10
Pew the Mottled Morningthaw 10
Simon Cowell Leafcull 10
Nobody's fool Leafcull 10
Bambis Harvestgain 10
Cerdwenfifteen Leafcull 10
Busy Leafcull 10
Walking on Air Harvestgain 10
Gregg the mage Leafcull 10
Olderbutwiser Harvestgain 10
Umbramagi WintersEbb 10
Merli Harvestgain 10
Notoriousrage Verdantine 10
Gabs Solclaim 10
William the Bat Morningthaw 10
Dangerous Toy Harvestgain 10
Gustaive the Steel Morningthaw 10
Enya Harvestgain 10
Shaz Leafcull 10
Alando Morningthaw 10
Bow Hunter' Harvestgain 10
Olthoi Master Leafcull 10
Ho Lee Shiet Darktide 10
Scarey Mary Leafcull 10
Grover Cleveland Leafcull 10
Duelor Leafcull 10
Hissy Kitty Leafcull 10
Hasbro Leafcull 10
Wisp of a Man Harvestgain 10
Bw Leafcull 10
Anie Harvestgain 10
Vlad II Leafcull 10
Realmranger Harvestgain 10
Ranger Ops Harvestgain 10
Ispar's Gauntlet WintersEbb 10
Red Eye Special Harvestgain 10
Apsu Verdantine 10
Celestial Angel Verdantine 10
Millie Harvestgain 10
Javex Leafcull 10
Half Hearted Harvestgain 10
Lace-The-Pacebringer Solclaim 10
Treasure Chest Morningthaw 10
Laris Bloodsong Solclaim 10
He who is called I Am Morningthaw 10
Immortalbob II Morningthaw 10
Tinker Toon Harvestgain 10
Candy Pynk Morningthaw 10
Mari Elisa Thistledown 10
Mr Adventure Morningthaw 10
Exquisite Chest Morningthaw 10
Lan'fear Harvestgain 10
Dia Harvestgain 9
Tasia the True Leafcull 9
Ryo Ni Leafcull 9
Arch-Bishop Morningthaw 9
Daenerys Stormborn Harvestgain 9
Rev emod Leafcull 9
Invincible Niite Darktide 9
Lance al-Slayer Leafcull 9
Bhravarn Harvestgain 9
Bleys Icefalcon Harvestgain 9
DeSol Darktide 9
Arcimites Orion Morningthaw 9
Hooligans Darktide 9
Avor Harvestgain 9
Khao Darktide 9
Envy Me Leafcull 9
Cobra-Con Leafcull 9
Tika Waylen Frostfell 9
The Mistress Frostfell 9
Belgarrion Leafcull 9
Wia Harvestgain 9
Yakuso Harvestgain 9
Sausage Javelins Frostfell 9
Precious cooker Frostfell 9
Arendil Morningthaw 9
Galena Harvestgain 9
Oompa Loompa Frostfell 9
Yakuzo Harvestgain 9
Nerf Golem Frostfell 9
Mute Fate Darktide 9
Sins Harvestgain 9
Terry Jr Harvestgain 9
Alphus Onimbus Darktide 9
Terry Sr Harvestgain 9
Paul Mua'dib Harvestgain 9
Mr Everything Harvestgain 9
Manchild Harvestgain 9
Speced Gimp Darktide 9